Monday, January 18, 2010

Loving the food

I made some more baby food today! Oh, how I wish I had known just how easy is to make when Julia was eating it. I could have saved us a bit of money.

Today, so far, I have made peas and green beans. I am going to do carrots in just a few minutes and squash tonight (Jerrod wants to have part of the squash for supper). I figured I would make a bunch of it today while I have the stuff out. Then I will not have to make more for a couple of weeks.

Fed Jude some peas for lunch. He had what is becoming his typical reaction to new food; the first spoonful just sits in his mouth for a few moments while he takes in the new flavor, then soon begs for more.

I have a strong suspicion that he is going to be a VERY good eater! He already eats over twice as much food as Julia did at NINE months of age! I can only imagine what my grocery bills are going to be in a few years.

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