Saturday, October 29, 2011

Another ER visit

Spent a couple hours in the ER last night/this morning with Jude. He was perfectly fine last night when he went to bed. At about 11:30pm he started that Croupy cough. After a few minutes I see that he is really struggling to breathe. He is having severe strider and retraction and cannot catch his breath. In the MANY times he has had Croup (I think this makes #7), I have never seen him this bad, especially that quickly. I was actually pretty frightened, and if you know me, I don't get worked up over medical stuff very easily.

After about 15-20 minutes of watching Jude struggling to breathe without any improvement and him crying because he is freaked that he cannot breathe, I decided to pack Jude up and take him to the ER. Luckily, we now live about 2 miles from a hospital.

Once at the hospital, I became even more frightened by the reaction of the hospital staff. I noticed several other people in the ER waiting room as I walked to the registration desk. As the tech at the registration desk is taking our information, the triage nurse hears Jude and pokes her head out. She takes one look at Jude and disappears into the ER. About 20 seconds later she comes out and says to skip the registration and there is already a room ready for Jude. Once in the room, about 5 doctors and nurses descend on Jude within less than a minute. Those two things are what really freaked me out. Since when can you skip registration and go straight to the head of the line? AND I have never received that fast of care at an ER!

Jude quickly got a nebulizer treatment with three separate meds in it. He also got an oral steroid, which he promptly vomited back up, so then he got a steroid shot. About halfway through the nebulizer treatments, he could finally breathe again and he calmed down. After about 10 minutes he was back to smiling and flirting with his nurse. The nurse commented on how the change in him was night and day.

After about 2 hours in the ER (most of which was making sure his chest x-ray was clear and that his oxygen levels stayed stable), we finally went home. I had Jude sleep in our bed, so I could keep a close eye on him.

Today he is still Croupy and his breathing is still raspy, but at least he can breathe. Hoping tonight is not as bad!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Jude's new hat

I decided to crochet Jude a fun winter hat. I combined three different patterns, plus made a few of my own design changes and this is what I came up with! A Dino hat! Jude loves it. I braided several strings of yarn at the bottom of the ear flaps, so I can tie the hat on him.