Friday, May 27, 2011

New princess dress

Julia has worn her Princess Fiona dress almost everyday since Halloween. It has seen better days. I really want to get her the purple dress Rapunzel wears in Tangled, but they are all sold out of her size. In the time being, I found this princess dress kit that I sewed up one afternoon.

She wears it several times a week, so I'd say it is a hit!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Everyday sight

It has been raining a lot here, but in between the rainstorms the kids are outside as much as possible.

This is a typical day outside.

Jude likes to see just how muddy he can get!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Face paint

About a month ago, I was out with Julia when I made a quick stop at a local shop I like. They were having some sort of event that day and had free face painting for the kids.

Julia had to get the purple ice princess.

Coloring Easter Eggs

I know this is super late and Easter was a month ago, but I have a back log of pictures I want to post.

The kids had fun coloring Easter eggs. This was Jude's first year to actually participate! Patience is NOT one of his traits!

"Look mom, there is an egg in this cup!"

"It is too hard to get out with the spoon, so I will just use my hand."

Notice how Jude only gets one color and Julia had coveted all the rest?

Julia is an old pro at coloring eggs by now.

Jude kept wanting to hold the dyed eggs.

I told him they were wet and had to dry. So Jude decided to blow on them to help them dry faster.

Got one!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hi there

A quick picture to tie you over until I can get more posts up!

Still here!

I'm still here! I know it has been 3 weeks since I posted, but life has been crazy. I will try to get some posts up in the next couple of days.