Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My climber!

As I said in my previous post, that Jude is a major climber. Usually I am running to grab him, so there is rarely photo evidence of said climbing. Here are a couple of pictures I did snap of his climbing.

Trying to climb out of his crib by using his crib piano as a step. The crib piano was removed after this photo.

Climbing on the couch. He was just so proud of himself.

He face is filthy, but this boy eats constantly, so his face is almost always dirty.

Still not walking

I thought for sure Jude would be walking by his first birthday. He rolled sooner, crawled sooner, pulled up sooner, and cruised furniture sooner, than Julia ever did. Alas, it did not mean anything. Jude is still not walking. I just my kids just like to take their good old time learning to walk. He is only 13 months old, so I am not worried at all. Julia was 15 months old before she finally decided to walk. I am pretty sure Jude could walk if he just wanted to.

He is getting closer. He will now take a step or two between two pieces of furniture. He just needs to get it in his head that he can do it.

BUT.... For someone who is not even walking yet, he sure can climb!!! He is constantly climbing something. He climbs onto the coffee table, onto the couch, into Julia's car, the BABY GATES!! Anything that can be climbed, he will try to climb.

He can also crawl FAST! It is hard to catch him sometimes. Occasionally he will get crawling so fast, he cannot move his hands fast enough to keep up and will face plant into the floor.

What a little stinker!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tractor ride

I did not capture Jude's very first tractor ride on camera. He has had several since. I finally had my camera for one of his tractor rides a couple of weeks ago.

Jude getting ready to ride with Grandpa (my dad).

"This is fun, you know I am up for anything!"

You can tell these pictures were taken during one of the hottest weeks of summer, because my dad has on his cut-off bib overalls. He only gets them out when it is in the high 90's. Otherwise he wears normal bib overalls.


We gave Jude a slice of watermelon and it was funny to watch him try to figure out how to eat it! Jerrod's Grandpa Brokaw (which is where Jude's middle name comes from) is the one holding him.

Jude thought it was pretty nasty tasting stuff at first because he kept biting off pieces of the rine.

Once he finally figured out what part to eat, he loved it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Still alive.

I'm still here and still alive. Things have been a little crazy and I have been dealing with some depression.

I have oodles of pictures to post. Hopefully I can get to that soon.

Julia would like to type something now:
kujhuxfj hduybgtfi7bgkvuribfgvfghycfvovbhgktjmhf6ifrtfuf

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Jude's first birthday!!!!

My baby boy turned ONE on July 31st. We had his birthday party on Sunday. It is so hard to believe my baby is already one! He is such a joy. He really completes our happy little family! I could not have asked for a better son.

Onto the party. Julia helped make and decorate Jude's cake. The only problem was that she was not careful in watching where she put her arms and several times she ended up smashing part of the cake that I had already decorated, resulting in me have to try to fix it. I still think it turned out okay.

The birthday boy eating a snack. He was feeling a little under the weather the day of his party.

Hanging out with dad.

His shirt said "Baby's 1st Birthday".

He got this riding horse from his Aunt Ninnie.

Time for CAKE!!

Once everyone started singing, Jude got really shy and turned his head so he could not see anyone.

YUM, cake....

Licking the plate clean!


Time for some swimming! Sitting on Grandpa's lap with his cousin. (Who is 2 weeks older than Jude.)

Swimming with Mimi. Loving the new ball he got for his birthday! Jude loves bouncy balls!

The weather was great and the party went well. The only problem was that Jude fell early into the the party and busted his lip open pretty bad. It bled off and on for several hours. It was also pretty painful for Jude. So he was pretty somber and just wanted held by his mommy for most of the entire party. He refused to go to anyone else for a LONG time. Good to know Mommy can still make him feel better, even if he is becoming a big boy.