Sunday, April 15, 2012

My train spotter!

For those of you who don't know, Jude LOVES, LOVES, LOVES trains. There is a active train track close to our house. If you stand in certain parts of our yard, you can see the trains go by. Jude LOVES this and always runs to one of these spots when outside and he hears a train coming. One day he decided to just sit his chair there and watch the trains.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Trying for an Easter picture!

This year was tough to try to get a picture of the kids in their good Easter outfits.

First several tries were horrible!

"Wait, where did Jude go in this one!?"

Finally Jerrod stepped in and tried to help with moderate success!

Once at church, Julia seemed to be more photogenic.

Jude, not so much.

Once at my parent's house, I at least got them together and smiling. Abet, with blue candy ring face!

Oh, well. Such is life with young kids!

Blame it on the weather

I blame my lack of posting on the nice weather. If the weather is nice, the kids and I are going to be outside. I have got half of my garden planted, a bunch of my flowerbeds done, and much more. By the time I have supper dishes cleaned up, baths done and the kids in bed, all I want to do is take a hot bath to relax or just go to bed myself!

I have been kindly reminded that everyone else has Easter pictures posted, but I don't. I probably have over a month's worth of pictures still on my camera.

If I only didn't have to sleep!