Saturday, June 21, 2008

Second day of vacation

YEAH!! We are on vacation!!

The house we are staying in is HUGE and wonderful! It has a gorgeous view of the lake from almost every window. It is right on the beach and it is a very short walk out to the water. Julia is LOVING the beach and the house. I am loving having a couple extra hands to help watch Julia so I can do some of my own things.

Unfortunately, I got a mild stomach flu or food poisoning or something right before we left. So I was vomiting right before we left and had an upset stomach all day yesterday and somewhat today. Hopefully I am better now.

Ahhhhh...... So relaxing......

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Rough transition

Well, Julia is having a rough time with the transition into the Toddler room at daycare.

As soon as I walked in the front door of daycare yesterday I heard her crying. One of the teacher's was holding her and trying to comfort her, but she was just not calming down. They said she had been like that most of the afternoon. She would calm down for a few minutes only to start up crying again. They think that it is probably just so over-whelming for her. It is a larger space, new/different people, a more hectic atmosphere. Julia does not deal well with change and new and strange things. It takes her a while to adjust and be comfortable. I think it took 2-3 weeks for her to finally be comfortable enough in the Nursery to finally start playing and interacting.

They thought about giving Julia her Blankie to help comfort her, but they figured that would just cause a bigger problem because the other toddlers would try to take it from her. She will only get her Blankie at nap time.

Julia is also used to getting her way all the time, so the Toddler room is a big adjustment. Now she has to share and take turns and deal with other kids trying to take her stuff. The staff does a great job of making sure everyone plays fair, but you know how toddlers are, they steal toys and push and do all the other stuff toddlers do.

I think once she gets adjusted she will do just fine. I really think it will be good for her. She needs to learn to share and take turns and that she does not always get her way. Just because she can get away with murder at Grammie's house, does not mean she can other places.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I filled out all the paperwork today at daycare for Julia to start transitioning into the Toddler room. Where has my baby gone?

They were going to start transitioning her next week, but since we are going to be gone on vacation, they are going to start this week. So when we get back from vacation, she will be in the Toddler room. The normal procedure is that they transition to the Toddler's room over a week's time. At first just spending an hour or two in the Toddler room before coming back into the nursery. Gradually, they spend more and more time in the Toddler room, so by the time the week is up, they are fully transitioned into the Toddler room. That is taking into account that the kid cooperates. They say occasionally a child will start the transition process and do so well and like the Toddler room so much, they they never go back to the Nursery. I have a feeling Julia might be one of those kids. On a rare occasions she has been in the Toddler room, she has LOVED it. All the books and toys. I think she is getting really bored in the Nursery.

The other great thing about her transitioning into the Toddler room is that the tuition in the Toddler room is $15 cheaper a week!! YEAH!!!

I cannot believe how big and grown up Julia is becoming!! I am loving who she is becoming, but it does make me a little sad that she is growing up.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Julia would like to thank her Daddy and Bap-pa for hanging up her swing this weekend. She is LOVING it!!

Current favorite toy...

Julia current favorite toy is, get this, a CAT COLLAR!! All these fancy toys laying around and she wants the cat collar!

We removed all the collars from the cats. Julia has found them and thinks they are great toys!

She wears them as bracelets and LOVES closing the clasp on them. She will latch it and ask us to open it so she can just close it again. Well, it is great practice of hand-eye coordination.

Oh, she likes them so much, that we HAD to bring one to the grocery store with us yesterday!


I spent $272.00 in groceries yesterday!! That was quite painful.

Granted I had not bought groceries in a while. I also had to buy a case of diapers, a case of wipes, case of water, cat litter and cat food. So that was over $100 right there. I was also buying stuff for vacation.

Also, as part of Jerrod's Father's Day present, I took Julia along with me. Usually I leave her at home with Jerrod or I wait until she goes to bed and I go alone. But I took her with me Sunday morning so Jerrod could spend some time alone playing on the computer. She did okay, grumped and cried some. Luckily the store was not too crowded yet and I was able to shop fast. It helped that I had my list all made out. I also let him continue playing when I got home and I fed Julia lunch and carried in all the groceries myself.

Hair pulling

Don't understand why Julia is doing this, but she has started pulling her hair out!

I notice it mainly when she is frustrated and upset. She has such fine, wispy hair anyway. She does not have a lot of hair to spare.

She takes two fist-fulls and yanks. She then starts laughing.

I REALLY hope this is just a phase that will pass....

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Okay, I know it is still a couple days away, but I wanted to get this up in case I got too busy this weekend.

Happy Father's Day to a WONDERFUL father! Julia loves her "bad dad" and I can see just how much you love her.


This is why I love having a digital camera. I can keep taking pictures until I finally get one that looks pretty good.

"I am eating my hands, I am teething so deal with it!"

"Hey, what is going on over there?"

"You can hold my hands down, but I am not going to smile."

Finally a good shot!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Swimming at daycare!

Well not exactly swimming, but.......

Julia went to daycare in her swimsuit this morning. Even Monday and Wednesday morning, weather permitting, Julia will get to go outside with the toddlers and play in/with the water table and the sprinkler. I think Julia will LOVE it, especially the water table.

I think this is going to be a fun summer!

Love/Hate with animals

Julia loves animals, but at the same time they scare her.

She LOVES cats and goes around saying "Kitty, Kitty" and trying to love on the cats. But as soon as the cat tries to initiate the contact, Julia freaks out. If the cats get into a tussle among themselves, she gets so scared she comes running to me screaming and crying. For several minutes after, she is really scared of any cat and wants them nowhere near her. The cats have NEVER harmed her or even attempted to harm her. Most just try to say out of her path. So I don't know where the fear is coming from.

Same goes for dogs. She loves watching dogs on TV, but is TERRIFIED of them in real life. We went to a friends house this weekend that have 2 well trained dogs. Julia completely freaked out at the sight of them and if she could have sat on top of my head, she would have. Anything to get her as far way from the dogs as possible. At one point one of the dogs licked her leg and you would have thought the world was coming to an end. Towards the end of the visit, she was okay with the dogs in the house as we sat on the porch, but as soon as a dog would look at her, she would freak out all over again. So she spent the whole visit scared of the dogs, but as soon as we left she started talking about "dog" and saying "boof" (Julia speak for woof). The whole rest of the day, all Julia talked about was "dog" and "boof".

I think maybe Julia needs a puppy of her very own!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lovin' her Crocs

Julia is loving her hot pink Crocs!

She saw them on her dresser yesterday and wanted to wear them. So all yesterday afternoon/evening she walked around the house in a diaper and her hot pink crocs. It was very cute.

Then this morning she wanted to wear the Crocs again. So off she went to daycare in her hot pink Crocs!

Oh, she even had to wear them during her bath last night!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dog Dog

Not doggie, not dog, but "dog dog". That is what Julia calls all dogs.

And dogs say "boof", instead of woof.

Julia is getting much better about dogs. She is no longer completely terrified of them. Over-excited dogs still scare her though.

There was a lady in a wheelchair with a service dog at church on Sunday. Julia looked at the dog for a long time and kept saying "dog dog". Then once we went into the main service area and sat down, she kept calling for "dog dog" and trying to find it. It was very cute, except for the fact that the service was starting and she really needed to be quite.

Last night we walked down to the local fish/pet store. There were a couple of puppies there. Julia thought they were neat and kept calling "dog dog", until the puppies started to yip. That scared her and she did not like them after that. We also saw baby kittens and Julia was almost screaming "kitty, kitty". She sure does love kitties! She thought the fishes were pretty neat too.

Doggies on TV are pretty cool too. She will stare that the TV dog saying "dog dog" and "boof".

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Weird behavior

Julia is developing a weird behavior.

Every time she gets upset (not scared, but mad, frustrated, etc) she will find a corner to stand in. She will walk to a corner and cry/whine. She will not leave the corner either, I actually have to go to her. Once I get to her, she will let me hold her and comfort her, but I have to walk to her. She will stand in the corner until I come to her. Very weird..

She does this when mad when she does not get her way, when she is frustrated when we cannot figure out what she wants, when we tell her no, and when she is just generally upset. Her favorite corner spots are in the corner by the bathroom door and hallway window, between the piano and the wall, and between the stairs and the toy box. I guess it is the tight spaces that she finds comforting.

It looks like she is being sent to stand in the corner for punishment. But she has never been punished, daycare does not put kids in the corner, and I don't think she has ever seen anyone punished like that, so I am not sure where this behavior came from.

Jerrod thinks she finds the corner because her feelings are hurt. He thinks that she waits for us to go get her because she needs reassurance that we still love her. I'm not sure what I think. But Jerrod and I were BOTH very sensitive kids, so who knows!

Happy Child

I cannot believe what a happy child Julia has become.

Lately, it seems like she smiles a lot! She now has different grins/smiles depending on her mood. She has the regular smile, the ornery smile, and what Jerrod calls the "orc" smile where she sticks out her bottom teeth. They are all so funny.

She giggles and laughs and plays and gabbers all the time. She plays little games and knows exactly what she wants. She loves imitating us and pretending she is a big girl now.

Who knew that our "Screaming Demon" would turn into such a happy kid? Not me, that is for sure!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Why do Julia’s toys occasionally become possessed?

The first time or two it is funny, but now it is just annoying. We have had everything from an electronic book to a dancing bear to a pull toy all become possessed at some point and just start playing without anyone near them. Now it is Julia’s Fisher Price House. This house has a door bell on it that chimes. Cute when you are playing with it, not so cute when it goes off by itself at all hours. I have checked and it is not stuck, it just likes to go off by itself occasionally.

The only thing I can figure is that the “spirits” in our house really like playing with all of Julia’s toys. Hope they are having fun!