Monday, August 31, 2009

One month old!!

I cannot believe Jude is one month old today!! Where has the time gone? It is flying by!!! He still has colic, but swaddling him up tight seems to help when he is inconsolable. His face is still covered in a rash, only it has gotten worse in the last week. Now it is an angry red rash.

Having professional (Sears) pictures done tomorrow, since I did not order any pictures the hospital took. I wish his face looked better, but what am I going to do? I just hope he cooperates and doesn't scream through the whole thing.

Here are pictures I took of him today. This is the best I could get for right now.....

Julia's fun for today

I am trying hard to make sure Julia still gets plenty of love and affection, because so much of my attention is spent on Jude now (especially with the colic). So I occasionally spoil Julia with something. Today it was "Foot By The Foot" for her afternoon snack. She loves fruit snacks, so I figured she would like these. It was a big hit! (Even though it go her hands all sticky)

"This is good mom"

"Yum and fun!"

Then this evening she got to finger paint for the first time!! (Well, she has done it at daycare before, but this was the first time I was brave enough to let her do it at home) Daddy helped...

Her masterpiece!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

First time with a sitter!

This weekend was the first weekend in a LONG time that we did not have plans. When realizing this Saturday morning, Jerrod and I decided that after dealing with Jude's colic, we should get a sitter and go out. I had no problem with his. Which is really funny because Jerrod had to drag me kicking and screaming to leave Julia with someone for the first time when she was 2 months old. (He said it was for my own good!) And her colic was just as bad, if not worse. I guess that is the difference between a first-time mom and a veteran mom.

Actually, we have never used a "sitter" before (as in the teenager who comes to your house). We have enough family around that is more than happy to watch them, that we have never had to find a local teen to watch them. Well, that and the fact that Jerrod and I just don't go out much.

Luckily, Jerrod's aunt and uncle, Mike and Bev, were available to watch them on such short notice. I did warn them ahead of time that Jude has colic and they were okay with that. Julia LOVES Mike and Bev, so I knew she would enjoy the visit too.

So this afternoon Jerrod and I went to see a movie and Jude and Julia stayed with Mike and Bev. Bev asked me to bring my Moby Wrap and I told them how swaddling him up tight when he is inconsolable works the best. I did not have one bit of hesitation or sadness when leaving, like I did the first several times I left Julia somewhere.

Fortunately, it sounds like things went great while we were gone. According to them, Jude really only had one bought of crying and swaddling calmed him down pretty quickly. Bev even put him in the Moby Wrap and they all walked to the park. When we picked them up, she even asked when the kids would be coming back! We will definitely be taking her up on that offer!

Bev, if you are reading this, THANKS! It was nice to get out and have "adult" conversation!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"My belly is hungry"

Today at breakfast, I asked Julia if she was hungry and would like some cereal. Her reply was "Yes, my belly is hungry!". How funny!!

So now anytime that she was hungry today, she would say "my belly is hungry". Not, she was hungry, but that her belly was hungry.

Toddlers are so funny!

Friday, August 28, 2009


In between bouts of screaming, Jude might have 5 minutes here and there where he is actually awake and content. They are usually right after he nurses.

In the last week he has started to "coo" during those times. I am also seeing the beginnings of a smile. It looks like he is going to have a cheek dimple too!! I love little baby coos. They melt my heart! It is good to know that Jude can have moments when he is happy!

Speaking of growing

In my last post I said that Jude weighed right at 11 pounds today. Well I knew he was growing. I finally moved him to 3-6 month clothes this week.

I had very few 0-3 months clothes to begin with because I knew he was going to be a big baby. Everything I had in 0-3 months were gifts, I did not even bother buying that size. He probably could have gone straight into 3-6 month clothes, but since I had the 0-3 months stuff, I felt he should get some use out of them. Let me tell you, some of those were a tight fit to begin with. But this week, I finally just gave up on trying to stretch those clothes to fit. The 3-6 month stuff is not any to big either!! If he keeps up this rate of growth, he will be in 6-9 month clothes before winter!

His actually 1 month check-up is not until Wednesday, so they will do all the measurements then. But he is already heavier than Julia was at 1 month, and she started to weighing more than he did at birth. Jude was longer though, so it will be interesting to see how much he has grown.

Dr.'s was a bust!

Took Jude to the pediatrician today to see if she could offer some relief from the colic. She basically told me that it I give him proabotics, his colic will be cured. Never mind the fact that we tried that with Julia without any luck and I have already gave Jude some proabotics without any improvements.

According to her Jude (and Julia) just has a sensitive digestive system and it is causing him pain. It is something he will eventually outgrow, like Julia did, but the proabotics will give him relief in the meantime. She had me pick up a more powerful proabotic, but I still don't think it will help.

Luckily, I am finding that if I swaddle Jude up really tight, it REALLY helps with the colic. The only issue I have with this is that once he is swaddled and calmed down, he wants to sleep. I am afraid he will sleep too much during the day and not then not at night.

Oh, apparently the colic has no effect on his growth!! I had them weigh him today at the dr. right before we left. It was hard to get an exact weight because he was moving too much from the screaming, but it looks like he is right at 11 pounds!! So he gained 2 pounds this month!! I think he is going to be a big boy!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Moby Wrap...

I love, love, LOVE my Moby Wrap!! I bought it when pregnant with Julia and it was the ONLY thing that even remotely helped with her colic. Now with Jude, I have been "wearing" him in it quite a bit. Not only does it help his colic, but it also lets BOTH my hands be free so I can deal with a toddler.

The Moby Wrap looks funny because it is not your typical baby carrier. It is basically one long piece of fabric that you wrap around your body. You then tuck the baby in between the fabric and your body. It looks a little strange to people who have never seen such a thing before.

I had to run several errands today. I like to put Jude in the Moby for this because that leaves my hands free to deal with Julia, making sure she stays safe and does not get into trouble. Oh the comments I received.....

At first glance, most people just assume I am pregnant, because Jude is mostly completely covered up by the Moby, especially if we are outside. I had part of his head uncovered today since we were inside and I did not want him over-heating. Most of the comments I get are about how unique the Moby is, how he looks so comfy and happy in it, how does it work, and where did I get it. While I don't mind telling people about it, I am very much for "baby wearing", it is hard to have 5 minute long conversations about it to complete strangers when I am trying to wrangle a toddler.

It is pretty funny, though, to watch all the people do double takes, nudge their friend and point to me, once they realize there is a baby in that thing.

Oh, another added bonus I love about my Moby is that because he is mostly covered and right against my chest, it prevents 99% of strangers from touching him. I have no problem with family and friends touching and holding him, but I hate when complete strangers come up and start touching my newborn. Oh the germs! I have no clue if they are sick, or where their hands have been. I also don't mind this as much when they get a little older, but when they are a tiny newborn, I really don't want them exposed to all those germs. Typically, if they are asking about the Moby, I will uncover his head/face so they can see him.

The Moby Wrap was the BEST $35 dollars I ever spent on baby stuff!!


I NEVER thought this would happen....

We ran errands this morning/early afternoon. Picked up lunch on the way home. Shortly after finishing eating, Julia was playing when she looked at me and said "I'm tired". I told her to lay on the couch then. I covered her up with her Blankie (after she took her clothes off, she refused to sleep in her clothes), turned on a Thomas the Tank Engine DVD and she was asleep in less than 5 minutes!!!

This is the same girl would fights sleep with everything she has! She stalls at bedtime and refuses to nap. I can usually get her to stay on the couch for about 30 minutes to rest each day, but I RARELY get a nap out of her anymore.

Errands must have worn her out!

Crying, crying, and more crying......

Last night pretty much sealed the deal on formula not helping and what I am eating is not causing the colic.

Jude cried for over 3 HOURS straight, stopping only long enough to take a bottle!! This is EXACTLY how Julia was with her colic. Since the formula does not seem to be helping, I switched back to breastfeeding. I am also going to go back to eating normal food again. This formula was milk-free, gluten-free, soy-free, etc.. Basically, it had NOTHING in it that could be causing the colic. Since he was still screaming after about 48 hours on the formula, I have pretty much ruled out that it is food related!

Last night I rocked, bounced, walked, sang, etc.. to Jude all evening. Oh the memories of all the nights I did this will Julia came flooding back. I even pulled out my "Happiest Baby on the Block" book to make sure I was doing the 5 S's right. (The pedi who wrote the book says he can calm ANY baby, even the colicky ones) Yep, doing everything right.

Luckily Jerrod is dealing with the constant crying MUCH better this time around. That helps me from getting so stressed out too. I am dealing with it a little better too, mainly because I know I am doing everything I can, and the fact I have been through this before. Not that it makes it any easier to hear your baby constantly crying and nothing you do will help.

I just hope and pray this passes soon!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nine years ago today....

.....Hubby and I got married.

I cannot believe it has been that long ago. We still act like two young kids newly in love most days. We have had some bumps along the way (Julia's colic and depression being the major ones), but I am more in love with him now than I was on this day nine years ago!

Unfortunately, we really did not celebrate it tonight. I threw together something for supper, something Jerrod does not really even like! Poor guy. Then we proceeded to spend most of the evening apart. He was keeping Julia entertained while I dealt with Jude's constant crying. Even after Julia went to bed, Jude's constant crying kept us apart.

Jude finally fell asleep and I just woke up Jerrod, who fell asleep at this computer. Maybe we will go to bed and cuddle for a minute or two before we both fall asleep from pure exhaustion. (Trust me, nothing else is happening, remember I am still on "pelvic rest")

Love you sweetie!!

Formula update

Jude has been on formula for over a full day now. I am not seeing a dramatic improvement. He is still really fussy and cries a lot. He is actually spitting up/puking MORE now than he was when nursing. His poor tummy seems to bother him so much. You can see him bunch up from the pain and the grimace on his face from the pain is about enough to make me cry.

I finally talked to a lactation consultant today and she things formula might just make his tummy worse (which is what my pedi said when I suggested switching Julia to formula). Interestingly, she said that it is pretty much disproved that what the mom eats causes/effects colic. Which is good to know. So at least I know what I am eating is not causing it and I will not have to do the crazy diet that I did with Julia. She did give me some tips on how to nurse him that will dramatically reduce the amount of air he swallows in the first place.

My appointment with the pediatrician is on Friday afternoon. Maybe there is some reflux medicine that can help him.

I am going to give the formula another day to be sure it will not help. But after what I have seen, what I have read, and what the lactation consultant said, I am going to back to nursing.

Oh, according to the lactation consultant, in some cases people are just genetically predisposed to having babies with colic! Just GREAT! I think that pretty much seals the deal of us not having anymore kids. Not when there is a good chance we would get another one with colic!!!

Dry at night

One night last week, Julia somehow got put to bed in underwear. We had been putting a diaper or pull-up on Julia at night because I did not think she could go all night without wetting the bed. She did great! She woke us up in the middle of the night to tell us she had to go potty. She went and slept with us the rest of the night.

We have put underwear on her almost every night since and she has only peed the bed once!! Yet, if I put a diaper on her at night, it is soaking wet each morning. I guess that just proves she can do it, but will not do it if she is wearing a diaper. She likes pottying in diapers too much.

I am very proud of my girl. I have her use the potty right before bed, AND she will wake up to go in the middle of the night if she has too. Hopefully soon, she will just go potty and not feel the need to come get up for it. She uses the potty all by herself during the day, she should be able to do it at night too.

Oh, she is also getting much better about pooping on the potty too! Still has poop accidents, but we are getting much better. The biggest problem we have is that she waits too long to go, ends up with a dribble or two of pee in her underwear as she figures out she has to go NOW! She is able to stop from peeing in her underwear and make it to the toilet most times, but she still wants her underwear changed because now it is damp.

I am just happy we did not have any major potty training regression when Jude arrived. Especially considering I trained her only a few months before his arrival.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trying formula

Jude is definitely colicky. I called my pedi to try to get in so she can see Jude and hopeful start him on some medicine that might help his colic. Unfortunately, I could not get an appointment until Friday afternoon!!! I just could not sit around for another 5 days listening to Jude scream without doing something. So we decided to try formula for a couple of days and see if that helps anything. I bought the super expensive, hypo-allergenic formula. This formula contains no milk or lactose, so it should not have anything in it that would upset his tummy. This way if it does not work, we will know for sure that it is not my milk (and what I am eating), that is causing the colic.

I am really torn over this. On one hand, I really hope the switch to formula cures the colic. That would be a really simple and easy fix. On the other hand, I would be really sad about having to give up nursing. Worse yet, is the thought that I was causing the colic to begin with! Do you know how guilty that makes me feel, especially since Julia went through the pain of colic for a year, only to find out that it could have been all my fault!

Oh, and this formula is EXPENSIVE!!! OMG!! It is DOUBLE the cost of the regular name brand formulas and probably triple the cost of the store brand!

I started him on it this morning, so we will see how it goes. I am going to continue to pump in case it does not help and I can go back to nursing him.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hide the candy

We finally had to hide any candy we keep in the house.

We used to keep it on top of the microwave. Julia learned she could push a chair over to it, climb on the chair, climb up on the hutch the microwave sits on, and get the candy. Other than the danger of falling, we did not mind this because she only would get into occasionally.

A week or two ago, that changed. She was in the candy constantly! We would tell her "no" and 2 minutes later she would be back at it. She was definitely getting too much sugar!

So we had to hide the candy in a cabinet. So far Julia does not know where it has gone. But I am sure it is only a matter of time before she figures it out.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Return of the dreaded colic!!!!

I think it is pretty definite that Jude has colic. I think I am going to cry.....

I just don't know how I am going to make it through again. Julia's colic was hell on earth, I cannot imagine going through that again. I know it should be easier the second time around, but I don't know about that.... It still seems just as rough!

When we were thinking about adding a second kid to our family, I expressed my fear of going through colic again. Everyone kept telling me "what are the chances of that happening again!". Well, apparently lightening does strike the same place twice....

With Julia I gave up eating gluten, dairy, and caffeine in hopes of helping her colic. While the colic would get worse (hard to imagine that was even possible) when I ate those things, she still had severe colic. I have already given up milk and caffeine this time around without any success. I just don't see any correlation with the food I eat. I am beginning to wonder if it is not just my milk, itself, that gives my kids colic.

I think one thing is for certain, if Jude really does have colic, we are done, done, DONE having kids. As in, Jerrod can get snipped ASAP! There is NO way I would risk going through colic a third time!!

The only glimmer of hope I have is that Jude's colic seems to be acting slightly different than Julia's and that maybe we can find medicine that will help him. We tried several different types with Julia without success, but maybe one will work for him. I have his one month check scheduled in just over a week, lets see if I can hold out until then.

I knew it was only a matter of time

I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before Julia tried to breastfeed her babydoll.

For the past couple of days she has been mimicking me and burping her baby just like I do with Jude; sitting up with a burp cloth under his chin. Then today I was breastfeeding Jude and look over to the couch and she Julia pretending to do the same thing with her baby. I asked her what she was doing and she said "my baby is eating my icky bugs too". (icky bugs is what Julia calls nipples) It was so funny to watch her. She then went on to burp her baby, only to pretend to nurse it again.

Later today Julia took two cookies, put them over her "icky bugs" and said "I am getting milk out of my icky bugs too". OMG! She was pretending to pump breastmilk out! I try to pump once everyday or so to help build up my freezer stash, so she has seen me do it. This had me dying!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Here are some pictures from the last week or two.....

Jude with his Great-Grandma.

My little ballerina....

My hippie ballerina....

With her Mimi....

Cutting with scissors

Julia LOVES cutting with scissors. I figure it is good for hand-eye coordination. Now if she would only listen to how to hold them properly.....

Julia's computer

We FINALLY hooked up Julia's computer last week. We had it sitting there since this winter, but we never had a place for it. This computer was just put together from old parts we had. It is really slow and outdated, but will work for what Julia is going to do on it.

Yes, Julia has her own computer. What else did you expect from parent's like us? (Especially with such a computer geek for a dad!!)

Right now Julia only has one game she can play, but I just ordered another one for her that I think she will LOVE.

Playing on her computer.....

Yes, I know my child is just in underwear. That is how she spends most days if we don't have to leave the house. I finally just gave up trying to keep clothes on her.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tummy Time

Julia HATED tummy time. She would scream bloody murder every time I would put her down for it. Jude proves just how good of a baby he really is. He does not fuss over tummy time. Half the time he even falls asleep during it!!

Does this look like a baby who hates tummy time?

Little mimic

Julia mimics everything I do. The latest in this has me really laughing.

Julia has one of those Little Tikes toy cars and since we have nowhere outside for her to ride it, it lives in our living room and she rides it all around the house. For the past week or two, I will hear her in the car playing, then she will stop somewhere, stick her head out the window and say to the thin air "I want mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese...."!! She is pretending to order food at a drive-thru!!!! LOL She is so silly!

First Bath

Since Jude's belly button stump fell off on Saturday, he got his first tub bath on Tuesday night. I did not think he would like it based off of how much he hated the swimming pool on Saturday.

We bathed him the same way we always did Julia; Jerrod sat in the tub and held him while I knelt beside the tub and washed him up. Surprisingly, he did not mind it. I think the body temp water might have reminded him of being in the womb.

Because of his sensitive skin, I try to only bath him one or twice a week. But that really depends on how much he pukes.

Trained to a bottle

Jude is three weeks old today. So today was the day to start training him to a bottle. I find the 3 weeks is the perfect age because they are old enough to have breastfeeding established, so they are less likely to reject breastfeeding after using a bottle, and they are young enough that they are still receptive to a bottle. I have seen problems both in starting a bottle earlier and starting one much later. This is the same time I trained Julia to a bottle and it worked great!

I wanted to train Jude to a bottle because eventually I will find a job and have to go back to work. I also might have/want to leave Jude somewhere for a couple of hours, so he needs to learn how to drink from a bottle during these times.

With Julia, it took a week or two before she really figured out the bottle. She never refused it, she just wore more of the milk than she actually drank. At her first attempt, she could not have drank more than a few dripples based off of how much leaked out of her mouth!

Well, Jude is a PRO at the bottle!!!! I was AMAZED! I only put 1 oz in the bottle, and figured he would be wearing most of it. Nope!! Not ONE drop spilled out!!! He drank that oz in less than a minute. So I put another oz in the bottle, once again, he sucks it right down without a single drop dripping out. I put another 1.5 oz in the bottle and he drinks it all too! Although he did not drink quite as quickly. He burped between each refill. After drinking that 3.5 oz. he seemed still hungry, but I decided hold off giving him more for a bit. I did not want him to drink to much that he pukes (has happened a couple times already).

Luckily, he did not really fuss for more and quickly fell asleep.

I am just impressed how well he took to the bottle. I guess I don't have to worry about that!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Had no time to do any real posts today, so I will leave you with a picture instead.

This was taken last week.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Jude is definitely developing reflux/tummy troubles. I PRAY it is not going to be the same issues Julia had that caused her colic. So far Jude's issues seem to be different. He also seems to tend towards being fussy in the late afternoons/evenings, which is the typical "witching hours". But overall, he is a REALLY good/happy baby!!!

I have really make sure I burp Jude well, or he will be in pain and fussy shortly afterwards. The only problem is that a lot of time, Jude is really hard to burp. I will try and try, but it just will not happen.

We will also occasionally have a major puke explosion. So bad that we both end up needing a bath and all clothing and surrounding furniture needs washed! He also spits up a lot while getting burped. I try to make sure he does not eat too much, because that contributes to the puking, but then I worry that maybe he is still hungry.

The good thing is that once Jude pukes or gets the burp out, he is a happy baby again. With Julia, she just cried and cried. I have picked up some Mylicon and Gripe Water and they seem to be helping some. I can deal with spit up and baby puke if it means he is going to be a happy baby!

I hold my breath each passing day. Julia's colic really started at about 3 weeks. Jude will be 3 weeks old on Friday. So every time he gets fussy or is hard to console, I worry it is a repeat of the colic starting again. BUT I have to try to remind myself that even "normal" babies cry sometimes.

Jude also really fights sleep, so he will get fussy then too. So I just never know... Is it his belly? Is he still hungry? Or is he just tired? He does not seem to like the pacifier too much, so it is not much help.

We go back to the pediatrician at 1 month old. If he is still having issues, I will discuss options with her then. I have been avoiding milk and try to limit my caffeine intake in hopes of that helping prevent some tummy issues.

Night at Grandparent's house.

After Jude had been home a few days, Julia started asking EVERYBODY who came over to visit if she could go home with them. She REALLY loves Jude, but I think she wanted to get away for awhile and get some attention without him around.

So one day last week. Julia, Jude and I drove up to visit my parent's. Julia was quite excited that she got to spend the night. She was ready to go home with mommy when I picked her up the next day. I guess one night away was all she could do.

Mom keeps baby toys and stuff for when the grandkids come over. For some reason all the older grandkids love to play in this stuff.....

Julia thinks she can still fit into the walker! (Although she almost never used it as a baby)

The two cousins who are 2 weeks apart. Jude is on the left, Justin is on the right (Justin is 15 days older). They were basically the same size at birth. What a difference 2 weeks make. Although, Justin's car seat is a lot smaller, so that does make him seem even bigger. (Jude's car seat goes up to 30 lbs, while Justin's only goes up to 22 lbs.)

Jude's first swim!

Since Jude's belly button stump finally fell off Saturday morning, Jerrod decided that he needed to take his first dip into the swimming pool Saturday afternoon.

Jude did NOT like it!! The water was pretty warm, but it was still cold enough that when he feet and butt hit the water, he screamed!! The poor boy might weigh over 9 pounds, but he is so tall and skinny, that he has very little fat on him to keep him warm.

Jude was only in for a few minutes and his lips were already starting to turn blue, even though it was over 90 degrees out!

Poor boy was NOT happy. AND poor Julia was awful worried that her brother was so upset!

Lost the stump

With the issues we had with Jude's belly button stump being really stinky and not drying up right, I figured it would take a little longer to fall off. Julia lost hers at 10 days old. Jude ended up loosing his on Saturday at 15 days old. It stayed stinky for about another day, but is now doing great! (I did clean it several times with rubbing alcohol.)

Jerrod still thinks it is his fault that there was a problem with it at all. He thinks it is his fault for cutting it too long. I tried to explain to him that he cut between the two clamps like they said. Besides, if he really did cut it too long, don't you think someone in the hospital would have noticed and cut it shorter? He knows he is really not at fault, but he still feels bad.

I am just glad it is gone!

I'm alive

I know it has been a week since I last posted. I am sorry about that. Life is a little crazy with 2 kids.

I do have a bunch of new pictures and tales to post about, so look forward to them. I am going to try to post a few now, but Julia is not napping and is cutting and coloring with markers, so I don't know how long I will actually have....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dress-up with Jude has started already!

I figured at some point, Jude was going to become a life-sized doll for Julia. I think every little brother is tortured into wearing dresses and playing dress-up by their big sister. I just did not realize how soon it started.

Julia is always bringing Jude toys to play with, especially when he is sleeping in the swing. Well today, she decided that him sleeping in the swing was the prefect opportunity for her. She has a little hair styling kit she loves to play with. It includes a hairdryer that actually blows air, a brush, rollers, a mirror, etc... Today Julia was playing with it and decided that Jude's almost bald head needed styling. First she took the hairdryer to it, then she brushed it, more hairdying, etc.. She even held the mirror about 3 inches from his face several times so he could see her work.LOL I only had to remind her once or twice to be gentle. Jude, being the good baby he is, slept through the whole ordeal!

Poor boy is going to be a human Barbie......

Skinny butt!

I have never seen such a skinny butt, like the one Jude has. For being over 9 pounds, he has NO butt. There is just nothing there!

Julia takes after me and has always had some "junk in her trunk". Jude definitely takes after Jerrod. That man has no butt either. Maybe it is a guy thing, who knows?!

BUT.... It does make getting a nice fit on diapers a little hard. He was actually able to fit into newborn diapers for the first week because of his small butt. Something we never could do with Julia.

Much better day....

Today was a MUCH better day.

Although Julia did not nap this afternoon so by 5:00pm she was starting to melt down. By 6pm she was a complete mess. Luckily, Jerrod was home by then to help with her.

She actually fell asleep at 6:30pm eating supper. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not get her to stay awake. So we just put her to bed for the night....

Monday, August 10, 2009

Grant me patience.....

Jerrod just might come home from work today to fine Julia tied up and locked in her room!! (Just joking by the way...)

Today is my first day all alone with the TWO kids. I might not survive the day!LOL

Julia was making messes and not listening this morning, which got her punished. I finally get both her and myself dressed about 9:30am, only to have her to have a pee accident in the middle of the kitchen floor a few minutes later. Strip her, clean up the mess and re-dress Julia in outfit #2. I get her to settle down enough while I nurse Jude.

Then all heck broke loose! I was in the middle of a diaper change on Jude and was cleaning his belly button stump with rubbing alcohol. Julia, of course, was right there trying to help. Next thing I know I see liquid all over the changing table. Upon closer look, I see Julia has (accidentally?) knocked over the ENTIRE bottle of rubbing alcohol in the wicker basket that sits on the changing table and holds odds and ends. This rubbing alcohol is now starting to drip all over the floor. I quickly grab a towel and throw it on the spreading mess. At this point Julia says she has to pee and runs off to the bathroom. I am trying to finish up Jude's diaper change, while trying to contain all the spreading rubbing alcohol. About this time I here a crash right outside Jude's door and look to see Julia rubbing her hands saying "I spilled it!". For some reason she was carrying her potty bowl full of pee to me. In the process she tripped, dropped the bowl and now I had pee splashed everywhere!! ACK!!!!

I slap a diaper on Jude and stick him in the crib half naked and crying. I wipe up Julia and plop her in a chair and tell her to STAY until I clean up BOTH messes! I take all the stuff out of the wicker basket and throw into the laundry what can be washed and wipe down the rest. I then stick the basket in the kitchen sink to be dealt with later. I wipe up the changing table. Then I move on to the pee mess. I wash out the bowl and wipe off the toys, walls, furniture, and floors that got covered in pee during the fall. This whole time Jude is crying in his crib and I have to tell Julia repeatedly to get back in the chair until I am done.

I finally finish dressing Jude and console him. Once he has calmed down, I stick him in the swing and re-dress Julia AGAIN! At this point she finally sits on the couch and settles down. I manage to wash out the wicker basket (which is lined, by the way). Although the entire house now smells like rubbing alcohol!

Since both Jude and Julia have finally calmed down, I take the moment to call Jerrod at work and tell him that he just might come home to find Julia tied up and locked in her room. (Which I would never do) I then proceeded to tell him all about my morning. You can tell he is trying hard not to laugh. The only response he could give was "WOW!".

Lunch went off well, mainly because I finally just put in one of Julia's favorite Elmo DVD's. But right after lunch, Julia says she has to use the restroom and runs to it. I hear her use the potty, but next thing I know she is coming out saying she is wiping it all up, as she wipes the floor with her paper towel. I ask her if she peed in her clothes and she tells me "yes". I go look and for some reason Julia decided to NOT pull down her clothes to pee, but to just pee THROUGH them into the potty!!! So there was pee in the potty, but she then also dripped all over the bathroom and hallway floor. Time to strip Julia AGAIN and clean up ANOTHER mess. This time I did not even bother putting clothes on her, I just put clean underwear on her and let her run around that way.

At this point I tell Julia that she has to take a nap. She had her choice of napping on the couch watching Elmo, or napping in her bed. She chose to nap on the couch, but decided that she needed pajamas on to do it! Whatever, at this point that is just fine.... We put on the pajamas, she lays down, I cover her up with her Blankies and go off to start the laundry of all the stinky, rubbing alcohol soaked stuff. Surprisingly, she actually fell asleep!!!! I just figured she would rest awhile (which was all I was really after).

So now she is asleep on the couch, Jude is asleep on my chest in one of my wrap carriers, and I can finally sit down and breathe!! So much for taking it easy and recovering!!!!LOL I think I deserve a relaxing bath tonight after Julia goes to bed!! Jerrod can watch Jude...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bedtime with Jude

It was Julia's bedtime tonight and she wanted Jude to lay with her while I read the bedtime stories..........

Who is he?

I think Julia is a little confused....

For the first couple days of Jude's life, Julia would occasionally call him Baby Gavin instead of Jude. It was understandable because the only baby she really knew at that point was her cousin, Gavin who is 6 months old. She did it so much that I would catch myself calling Jude, Gavin, on rare occasions.

She finally got that straight, but now she has a new problem. She is having a hard time remembering that Jude is her little BROTHER, NOT her little sister!!! LOL I guess because we keep telling her that she is a big sister now, she thinks Jude is her sister. She is getting better about calling him her brother, but the term sister is still frequently used by her when referring to Jude.

Poor boy, he has to wear his sisters old pink clothes and now his own sister refers to him as a girl! He might just grow up having gender identity issues!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jude's birth story

WARNING - This is VERY long and detailed, but I wanted to write it all down so I would not forget it. Some of this might be TMI for some.

I was a week overdue. I had been having somewhat regular contractions off and on throughout the week, but not anything that was uncomfortable. So when I started having them again Thursday night (7/30), I did not think anything of them. I was due to have an ultrasound the next morning since I was a week overdue to make sure the baby was still doing fine. I had asked Jerrod’s parent’s to watch Julia for me that morning since I knew it was going to be a long appointment. They decided to just pick her up Thursday night and keep her overnight. That ended up being a REALLY good thing.
I stayed up until 11:00-11:30pm reading a book, occasionally having contractions. I did not even bother timing the contractions because I figured until they started to hurt; I did not need to worry about them. Besides, I figured they would just fizzle out once I fell asleep, like they did several other nights that week.
I was having a rough time staying asleep that night. I just could not get comfortable. I got up about 1:30am (7/31) to use the restroom and tried to go back to sleep, but I just could not get comfortable. At about 1:45am, I realized the reason I could not get comfortable was because I was having contractions that were uncomfortable! It was then I started to pay attention to them. I quickly realized that they were 5 minutes or less apart and were starting to hurt. I woke Jerrod up at 2am to tell him what was happening. The contractions continued to get stronger. At around 3am we decided that maybe we should start packing bags. By 3:30am, the contractions were really hurting and I decided to call the midwife, fill her in and discuss when we should head to the hospital. The midwife also tells me that my favorite midwife is coming on call at 7am (there are 3 midwives in the practice and the one on call delivers you) After talking to the midwife, I thought I would take a bath and see if that helped ease the pain of the contractions any. While I was in the tub, Jerrod went out to install the car seat base in the van. After about 20 minutes in the tub, I realized that it was not helping any and the contractions were just getting stronger. That is when I decided that I should probably shower so we could head to the hospital soon. While in the shower the contractions were coming faster and faster and were getting pretty intense. I also noticed that I was having a LOT of pain in my back with each contraction, something I never had with Julia. I remember thinking that back pain with contractions was a sign that the baby was sunny-side up, but did not think too much about it. After all, I had a quick ultrasound the week before to confirm that Jude was indeed still head down and they did not say anything about him facing the wrong way them.
About the time I was finishing up in the shower, Jerrod popped his head in and said that I needed to hurry up. I guess he was noticing how close together the contractions were getting and just how much pain I was having with each one. We left for the hospital about 4:30am. The contractions were about 2 minutes apart at that time.
The care ride to the hospital was rough. The sitting position made the contractions hurt worse and the bumpy roads from construction was just adding to my misery. Jerrod, in an act of just not thinking, did not drop me off at the front door, but just drove into the parking garage. I did not bother saying anything, because at this point I was dealing with the contractions okay. The walk from the parking garage to the front door was a long one. I had several contractions on the way. We had to stop with each one and I had to hold onto Jerrod to get through them. Jerrod thought we would never make it to the front door. I think this is when he realized he should have dropped me off at the front door.
We finally get to the front doors and they are LOCKED!! I guess they keep the doors locked at nighttime. So we had to push the button to call security. The call did not go through the first time. By the second call, I was in the middle of another contraction and Jerrod was trying to explain to security that they needed to open the doors and let us in. He told them that he was on his way to the maternity floor. They asked him if he was visiting someone (they are on speaker, so I can hear the conversation). He proceeds to tell them no, not visiting, trying to take his wife there. Security then asked if we had something scheduled on at the maternity center. At this point I yell to Jerrod “Tell them your wife is in labor!!”. He tells them this and instead of opening the doors, they ask if we need someone to bring a wheelchair. At this point I am getting really upset and yell “NO! Just have them open the doors!!”. Jerrod relays this to them and the doors finally open!
We make our way to the elevators and up to the maternity floor. Of course, I have a contraction in the elevator and Jerrod has to hold the door open once we get to our floor until my contraction passes enough for me to walk again.
Once on the maternity floor, we have to be buzzed into the actual maternity center. We walk up to the front counter and the nurse asks us if we are here for something scheduled. Why is it that nobody thinks that I am in labor???? I proceed to tell them that nope, nothing scheduled, I am in labor! That got a reaction out of her! She quickly sends me back to triage and I am hit with another contraction as soon as we walk in. I could see the reaction of all the nurses at the nursing station while I was going through the contraction. You could see them take notice that I really was in labor. Our triage nurse quickly comes in and luckily the midwife had called them and let them know I was coming, so they had a lot of the paperwork ready for me. I sign a few forms, they take my insurance card, etc… I proceed to have one or two contractions while all this is going on. The triage nurse says something about me sounding like I am pretty good active labor and quickly ushers us to a room. She offers me a wheelchair, which I decline. Just a few steps outside triage I am hit with another contraction and have to stop and lean on Jerrod to get through it. The nurse once again wants to get me a wheelchair. I was in too much pain to say anything at that point, but luckily Jerrod spoke up and talk her that I really wanted to walk. After the contraction passes I try to explain that sitting just makes them hurt worse.
Once we get to the room, I have two nurses working on me (I think it was a slow night there). One is trying to take vitals and hook me up to all the monitors and the other is trying to take some blood. I was also asked if I minded if some nursing students sat in and watched. I figured you don’t have much modesty at birth anyway, so why not! She then tells me that they are male students. I take a second to think about it and realize that I just don’t care. My birth experience might as well help someone else. At 5:30am I finally get checked for the first time. Unfortunately, I was only 1cm dilated. I was so disappointed. I was envisioning another 3 day labor. The contractions were so close together and so intense, I just could not believe I was only at 1 cm. The midwife did say though that I was completely thinned out. She did not seemed discouraged, so I tried not to be either. For the next hour the contractions are coming every 2 minutes, are really intense and making me seriously think about some sort of pain meds. I also was occasionally vomiting and shaking. The monitor straps were making the contractions worse, as was lying in bed. I kept asking if they could take the monitors off and if I could get into the big Jacuzzi tub. The nurse kept saying that they just needed a bit more baseline on the monitors and that I was not allowed in the tub until I was closer to 6-7cm! Grrrrr…. At 6:30am the midwife comes back to check me again, at this point I am about 5cm!! I cannot believe I dilated that much in an hour!! At that point I ask if I can have something to take the edge off the contractions some. I also ask to be taken off the monitors so I can more around, and ask to get into the tub. I do get a shot of Newbane, which apparently makes you somewhat dizzy, so they made me stay in the bed for a little bit. The Newbane did not make the contractions go away, but it did lessen them some so I could handle them better.
At this time the midwife on call, Kim, tells me that she is not going to break my water because she knows how much I really want Pam, the midwife that helped me through my miscarriages, to be there for the birth. I found out later that Pam had given orders to the other midwives that she was to be called if I went into labor while they were on call. She was going to deliver my baby regardless if she was on call. So Kim called Pam and told her that she better hurry up and get to the hospital if she wants to be there for the birth! Kim knew if she broke my water my labor would only speed up!
For the next half hour or so (time starts to get fuzzy at this point) I just try to deal with the contractions. Pam soon shows up and I am finally allowed to get into the tub. Sometime shortly after Pam arrives she starts taking about how we need to get the baby to flip over. That is when I realized that this baby was indeed sunny-side up. After about 15-20 minutes in the tub, Pam wants to check me and check the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler. I am about 7cm at this point, but they cannot find the baby’s heartbeat with the doppler, so I need to get out of the tub so they can try better. I step out of the tub and they find the heartbeat right away.
At this point the contractions were right on top of each other, I had a hard time catching my breath from them and the pain was so bad and intense that what all happened after this was a bit fuzzy. I do remember Pam having me sit on the toilet to try to get the baby to rotate. At one point right after a contraction I felt a big pain and cried out some. Everyone assumed it was just another contraction, but I told Pam that it was not a contraction, but the baby. She figured it was the baby finally flipping into the correct position. I was moved back into the bed shortly after this. The nurse was pressing the monitor on my belly so they could hear the baby’s heartbeat. I kept telling her to stop pressing so hard because it was making the contractions hurt even worse (as if that was possible).
Pam decided to break my water at this time. When she broke it, so little fluid came out that she was not even positive she even broke it. She also thought that there might be meconium in it and asked that respiratory be called. This scared me a little. She also noted that I was 8-9cm and said that the head was right there. She thought that she could actually slide the remaining cervix out of the way during the next contraction. She had me push a little with the next contraction while she moved the rest of the cervix out of the way. Now THAT was uncomfortable!
At this point the pain was getting unbearable and I was really starting to regret not getting an epidural. During the contractions I would say things like “Son of a Gun that hurts” and “Holy Freak that is painful”. I think everyone in the room was laughing at me at that point, because even though I was in some serious pain, I would not actually cuss. One or two people even told me that it really was okay just to cuss, that I was in enough pain that it was allowed. Pam said that I could start pushing and that with a couple good pushes, he would be out. Kim was also still there, so Jerrod was able to hold my hand and did not have to hold my leg up this time. They kept trying to push my legs back and trying to get me to hold the back of my legs; I kept telling (okay, maybe yelling) that it was making things hurt even worse. I remember starting to scream some because of the pain and the midwives kept telling me to stop yelling and just push. I pushed mainly because it was the only way to keep from screaming. I pushed the best I could with as much pain as I was in. At this point I was telling them that it just hurt too much and I could not do it. They said it hurt so badly because he was crowning and I just needed to push him out. After another push or two, they said to stop pushing and I could see them working down there with some tubing. I asked if they were going to use the vacuum. Pam kind of chucked and said the head was out and that they were just suctioning out the baby (since there was meconium, they needed to suction out the lungs before he took his first breath). She then had me give another push to get the shoulders and rest of the body out. Within a few seconds Jude was placed on my chest. WOW, three pushes was all it took to get him out!
Nothing ever felt so good as having that pain finally stop and having Jude on my chest. The nurses and the respiratory dr. were all working on Jude some while he laid on my chest, but most of them quickly went away. He was not really crying and his hands and feet were pretty blue and I had to ask if he was okay. They assured me that he was just fine. This is when I finally looked him over really well. His face was what I noticed first, it was covered in bruises. He had a big bruise on his cheek and another on his nose and upper lip. It was also starting to swell. I asked why he was so bruised and they said it was because he was born so fast. I have to wonder if some of it might have been from being sunny-side up until almost delivery. I also saw that his head was not cone-shaped like most babies are right after a vaginal delivery, but it was round. Once again I was told this is because he delivered so fast that his head was not in the birth canal long enough to turn into a cone head. He looked pretty bald, but what hair he did have looked blond. After looking him over, I could not believe how skinny he was. Even my midwife said how he looked much small than she was expecting. Pam asked if I wanted the cord clamped now and I told her that no, it was fine yet. Pam did a few other things and I was just looking over Jude. She finally said that the cord had stopped pulsing and clamped it off. They asked Jerrod if he wanted to cut the cord, which of course he did. Once the cord was cut the nurses asked if I wanted them to take Jude now to weigh him and such. I told them “No, I am going to be selfish for a bit and keep him”. They seemed fine with that. This is when Pam said she was going to have to press hard on my belly to help my uterus clamp down since I did not have pitocin. It was painful, but nothing I could not handle after the level of pain I just went through. The placenta was delivered shortly after that. I asked Pam if I had tore any and she said she did not think so, but once she examined me more closely, she said I had a minor tear in the exact some spot I tore with Julia. It was minor, but required a couple of stitches. It was weird because I barely felt the needle at all. I guess I was just numb to any minor pain at that point. Since I am fascinated with all things medical, I asked Pam to see the placenta when she was checking it over. It was pretty neat to see.
Shortly after this, Jerrod was getting really antsy to see how much he weighed, so I finally handed Jude off to the nurse so she could take his measurements. He weighed 9 pounds even, and was 22 inches long. Still a fairly big baby, but his long length made him look skinny.
This is about when I realize that the nursing students were still in the room. I asked them if that was more than they really wanted to see. One of them was a father and said I did a lot better and screamed a whole lot less than his wife did during labor. The other said that this was the very first birth he had ever seen and was amazed! He and his wife were trying to have a baby, so this was really special for him to see. While the other nursing student left shortly after, this one stayed all day and was constantly checking up on me making sure I had everything I needed. He even asked to interview me for a paper! You could tell that the birth experience really made an impression on him. I was really glad I agreed to let them watch. My nurse even thanked me later for allowing them to watch. According to her, I was the first person to allow them in. I guess mothers are just not comfortable with other men watching them through the labor process. Pam later confessed that she is very protective of her mothers and normally would not allow extra people in the delivery room, but since I ok’d it, she allowed them to stay.
I did apologize later to Pam for any yelling I might have done at her during delivery. She said I did just great and she was proud of me. I was still a bit embarrassed about the yelling, because she was only there to help me and it is not in my nature to yell at people. Pam also said I would have been induced that day anyway. I had so little amino fluid that the ultrasound I was scheduled for that day would have picked up on that and I would have been sent directly to the hospital to be induced!
Afterwards, Jerrod told me I about brought him to his knees in pain because I was squeezing his hand so tight during delivery. Oops! I remember holding his hand and not wanting to let go even when the midwives told me to so I could grab my legs. It was like he was the link keeping me from being completely overwhelmed by pain.
Jude nursed great right off the bat and when the lactation consultant came in later that day to see if I needed any help, she saw how well nursing was going and told me I needed to join La Leche League and show other women how to do it. She said I was a pro at it and did not need her help. I guess it helps that I had done it before.
Jude did end up getting jaundice, but they still let us go home about 26 hours after birth. The nurses were a bit surprised by this, but I really pushed for it. I knew we would all just be more comfortable at home.
Overall, even though Jude’s birth was VERY painful, because of not getting the epidural, it went fast and I was proud afterwards that I was able to do it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Another great night and over doing it

Once again Jude slept through the night last night. He last nursed around midnight and was still sleeping when Julia came in and woke us all up at 7am this morning. I am sure he would have slept longer if his big sister had not woken him up. I am LOVING this.... I really hope he continues this.

My midwife tried to warn me before I left the hospital that I need to try to take it easy and not over do it. She knows me too well and knows that I will be back to doing everything I was doing before shortly after I get home. She is right. I know I am supposed to be taking it easy, but it is hard when I feel so good. I know I am not supposed to be carrying anything heavier than the baby, but it is hard to do. Jerrod has been a big help, but just sitting down when there is stuff to be done is just not who I am. And of course it is hard to refuse Julia when she wants picked up and held. AND Jerrod head back to work on Monday, so I am on my own at that point.

Oh, I finally weighed myself today. I am almost back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Less than 5 pounds to go. I am also back into my regular clothes!!! Not too bad for only a week after giving birth, if I say so myself!

Above birth weight

"They" like to see a baby be back to it their birth weight by 1 or 2 weeks old. Took Jude to the pediatrician today and at 1 week old he weighed 9lbs, 2oz. So he is 2 oz. above his birth weight. I am very happy with that considering he only really started nursing well AFTER he got his tongue clipped.

We took Jude in because of his rotten smelling belly button. It is smelling better now that I have been cleaning it with alcohol the last 2 days, but it still stinks. The pedi agreed that it was not smelling right. She trimmed off the part the had already dried up. I guess the cord was cut a little long and the extra length was preventing the cord from drying up properly. Now that the excess is cut up, it should dry up quickly. I cannot wait until it falls off and I don't have to worry about it anymore.

I am loving how much of a content baby Jude is. I know that might all change in a couple of weeks when he "wakes up" from the sleepy newborn phase, but I am enjoying it now.

Julia is too funny about me nursing. For some reason she calls nipples, "icky bugs". So she says Jude is eating from my icky bugs. The other day I was pumping right after I put Julia to bed. About 5 minutes into it, I see Julia stick her head around the corner and ask what I was doing. I explained that this is how Jude (and little babies) eats and gets his milk. Now that Julia has been acting like a baby occasionally the last couple of days, she will ask to eat from my icky bugs too. I have to explain to her that only little babies eat from their mommies like this.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jude blew up!!

When Jerrod's sister was a baby she had really bad reflux (they did not know that at the time), and anytime she would eat, she would projectile vomit everything back up. Jerrod was only 2 or 3 at the time and would say "Ninnie blew up!" each time she did it. Well, tonight Jude blew up!

I am not sure what caused it, he has never done it before. It had been about 30-45 minutes after I had nursed him, but I was just holding him and EVERYTHING he had just ate came back up. I have never seen a baby puke that much up before! So of course, he then needed a bath because it was all over him. I really hope this was just a one time thing....

In other GREAT news, Jude slept through the night last night!!!!! He last nursed at about 11:30pm and did not wake up again until 6:30am!!! I actually woke up around 4am and had to check to make sure he was still alive. What a difference the second time a around makes. If that was Julia, I probably would have woken her up at 4am to get her to nurse, at 5 days old they really should be eating every couple of hours. But now I figure, he will wake up when he gets hungry enough and took advantage of getting the sleep. Sure enough, when he woke up at 6:30, he ate off of both sides. He also eats less often than Julia did. Julia ate every 1.5-2 hours. Jude occasionally eats that often, but it is not uncommon for him to go 3 or 4 hours between feedings. He is having the appropriate amount of outputs, so I am not worried about it. I might take him in for a weight check soon, just to make sure he is gaining weight, but I am positive he is. His latch and nursing is MUCH better now that his tongue is clipped and he has re-learned how to nurse.

The latest issue Jude has is that his belly button cord STINKS REALLY BAD!!! It just smells rotten. You can just be holding him and you could smell it. I never had that problem with Julia. I was told in the hospital to just keep it dry and leave it alone, but with Julia, I cleaned hers with alcohol. After starting to get really concerned about the smell, I decided that I was just going to clean it with alcohol anyway. After a day of alcohol cleanings, it is smelling MUCH better!! Now you have to get your nose close to his belly to smell the nasty rot smell. Oh, it was not red, swollen, or warm, so we were not too worried about infection or something like that. I just hope it falls off quickly and then we will not have to worry about it anymore....


Still working on Julia's jealousy of not being an only anymore. The past two days she has been wanting to be held like a baby, suck on Jude's pacifiers, etc.. She has even asked to nurse too when I have been nursing Jude. She has also started getting out of bed at night after she is tucked in, something she has NEVER done since she moved to a "big girl" bed.

We are trying to give her lots of attention, even individual attention. Both Jerrod and I have taken her somewhere where it was just her and a parent. Jude stayed at home with the other one of us. I let her sit on my lap or right next to me when I am nursing. Luckily, Jude's marathon nursing sessions seem to be few and far between now, so I am not tied down for long periods of time anymore.

Julia also is really pushing the limits and seeing just how much she can get away with.

I know jealousy is normal and some of the things she is doing is just normal toddler stuff too. Jerrod says he feels really bad about going back to work on Monday and leaving me to deal with both of them at once. Jude is the easy one, it is Julia that is trying at times.

I'm sure things will work themselves out soon. After all, this is a HUGE adjustment for Julia. Before now, the world revolved around her and her alone. Now she has to share her mommy and daddy. That would be hard for any toddler to handle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More updates and pictures

Jude seems to have recovered from the tongue clipping very well. He is struggling with his latch occasionally, but he is having to re-learn how to nurse again. He latches better on one side than the other. I think it is just how my body is made that it is easier for him to latch on my right side than it is on my left.

Last night was great! I think he only got up twice to eat, so I got fairly decent sleep. YEAH!!

He is still a good baby. Not crying much, mainly just when he is hungry or wants held. Julia is still a bit jealous, but we are working on it. She still very much loves her brother and is in his face a lot! Although, it really upsets her when he cries, especially if she is holding him.

Oh, and the poor boy is wearing pink! I don't have a lot of boy outfits in his size. The ones I do have I try to save for when we leave the house. So when we are just hanging around the house, he wears a lot of Julia's old clothes. Oh well....

Here are some pictures from the last 2 days...

Daddy taught her how to climb the TV antenna tower at Jerrod's parent's house.

I changed Jude's diaper on my lap and this is how he fell asleep....

And some quick pictures from tonight. I cannot believe how much Jude has changed looks in just 5 days!! His skin has also cleared up a lot.

Full bed

Julia sure has a full bed. She insists on sleeping with both her Blankies, her babydoll, her baby's blanket, a sippy cup of water and now has added a stuffed lizard and book to the mix. The stuffed lizard and book were a gift from Jerrod's aunt and uncle right after Jude was born. They are a HIT!! I have to read the book several times each night at bedtime. Julia also has several other stuffed animals at the foot of her bed.

Her bed can look pretty crowded most nights, but as long as she is happy and confortable, I am okay with it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tongue tied is clipped

We had Jude's tongue tie clipped today. It was worse than the pediatrician had thought. The dentist that did it said that he grades them on a scale of 0-14, Jude was an 12! Apparently all the nursing issues I was just passing off as him just learning (struggle to latch, long nursing sessions, breaking off frequently, etc.) are all classic signs of being tongue tied.

Two quick snips and it was over. Jude was more upset over the instruments being in his mouth than the actual procedure! A couple cries and he was better. The doctor did have me nurse him right away so he could hear if he was using his tongue. Jude was back asleep before we made it back to the car.

I think tongue tied must be hereditary because we have found out that several people on Jerrod's side had the same problem as babies. We actually think Jerrod might be slightly tongue tied. The doctor said one of the issues adults have is that they cannot roll their "r", and Jerrod can't. Upon looking, I can see that Jerrod's membrane attaches MUCH farther up towards the tip of his tongue than mine does.

So now I am really glad we decided to just have it clipped. AND Jude stuck his tongue out at me for the very first time tonight! I did not realize until he did it, that I had never seen him do it before. He never did it before because he couldn't!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Today's pictures

Today we learned that if Julia uses the "Boppy", she can hold Jude by herself without us having to hold his head!! She was very excited about this.

She loves holding her little brother..

Cuddles have to be shared...

I leave Jerrod and Julia alone together for 5 minutes while I nuke some lunch and this is what I come back to find!! I told Jerrod to make sure Julia did not get marker everywhere, I did not think that HE was going to be the one using the marker inappropriately!!

This picture is actually from yesterday.
Our first family picture as a family of four!

Four generations

On Sunday Jerrod's parents and grandparents came to visit. We took advantage of having four generations all together and snapped a couple pictures.

Four Generations of Couser men..... And yes, all Couser males look alike!!

Four generations of Couser females, plus Jude.....

Comfort level

It is amazing how much more comfortable and laid back you are with a second kid.

The difference in Jerrod is just astounding!! With Julia he was scared to hold her, change her, dress her, etc... As a result, he rarely did. Most of that came from having never been around babies before and just not knowing how. Now with Jude he is an old pro!! He is constantly holding him. He has even changed several diapers! He says changing Jude's diapers are SOOO much easier because he knows his way around boy parts. He said that with Julia, he just did not know how to clean her well.

Jerrod is also able to deal with the crying a LOT better!! Not that Jude cries a lot, but sometimes I am tending to Julia and he is crying to be fed and Jerrod has to console him until I can finish up with Julia. Not only is Jerrod able to deal with Jude's crying, he can actually calm him down!! This is a MAJOR improvement from Julia's infant days.

Tongue tied

Jude's pediatrician appointment today went well. He weighed 8lbs 12oz., but my milk came in yesterday so I figure he will be back to his birth weight in no time.

The rash he has is partly just a newborn rash, and partly that he just has sensitive skin. Julia was the same way, so I know how to deal with it. I am refraining from milk right now too in hopes of helping.

The only issue the pedi found was that Jude is tongue tied. Basically, that little membrane that connects his tongue to the base of his mouth has grown too far forward. So his tongue has limited movement. This can effect nursing and later in life can effect speech. The treatment for it is to clip it back when they are babies.

I could either go to a dentist my pedi recommends who will just do a quick snip of the membrane in his office, make sure he nurses well, then send us on our way. Or I could go to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who would put Jude under general anesthesia for the procedure, which would also involve a hospital stay. Needless to say, I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow for the procedure.

Actually most pediatricians will just do this right in their office during a routine visit. Unfortunately, my pedi has never been trained on how to do it, which is why she recommended this dentist.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quick update

Things are going well. Julia loves Jude but is a bit jealous of all the attention Jude is getting, especially from me. The fact that Jude nurses for so long is not helping. She want mommy to do everything for her. She is also doing a lot of "look at me" things. We are trying to give her a lot of personal attention and praise. We will just have to see how things go.

Jude is still doing well. We had to take him to Children's today to have blood taken so they could re-test his jaundice levels. They were high yesterday at the hospital, just under the level of treatment, but at a level where they usually keep the baby an extra day to re-test. They only let us go under the condition of having him re-tested today. Lucky, the levels increased only slightly, which means his jaundice levels have probably spiked and Jude's liver will now soon catch up and clear up the jaundice.

The first night home went well. He was up several times to eat, but I did manage several hours of sleep. So it was not too bad. Julia screamed her entire first night home!

Jude is covered in a rash though, I think I remember Julia having this same issue. I guess Jude has just as sensitive skin as his sister. We will just have to be careful about what products come in contact with his skin.

Now for some pictures.....

For some reason this picture is flipped the wrong way, but I thought it was just to precious and had to share it anyway.

Eating machine!!!

Jude is an EATING MACHINE!!! From the time he was born, he was an excellent nurser. My milk has already come in and he will nurse for an hour if I let him. I was still struggling to get Julia to nurse at this point. He is already a much easier baby than Julia was. I just hope that keeps up. We go back to the pedi tomorrow, I am interested to see what his weight is....

What a big difference in kids....