Monday, August 3, 2009

Tongue tied

Jude's pediatrician appointment today went well. He weighed 8lbs 12oz., but my milk came in yesterday so I figure he will be back to his birth weight in no time.

The rash he has is partly just a newborn rash, and partly that he just has sensitive skin. Julia was the same way, so I know how to deal with it. I am refraining from milk right now too in hopes of helping.

The only issue the pedi found was that Jude is tongue tied. Basically, that little membrane that connects his tongue to the base of his mouth has grown too far forward. So his tongue has limited movement. This can effect nursing and later in life can effect speech. The treatment for it is to clip it back when they are babies.

I could either go to a dentist my pedi recommends who will just do a quick snip of the membrane in his office, make sure he nurses well, then send us on our way. Or I could go to an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who would put Jude under general anesthesia for the procedure, which would also involve a hospital stay. Needless to say, I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow for the procedure.

Actually most pediatricians will just do this right in their office during a routine visit. Unfortunately, my pedi has never been trained on how to do it, which is why she recommended this dentist.

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