Jude is definitely developing reflux/tummy troubles. I PRAY it is not going to be the same issues Julia had that caused her colic. So far Jude's issues seem to be different. He also seems to tend towards being fussy in the late afternoons/evenings, which is the typical "witching hours". But overall, he is a REALLY good/happy baby!!!
I have really make sure I burp Jude well, or he will be in pain and fussy shortly afterwards. The only problem is that a lot of time, Jude is really hard to burp. I will try and try, but it just will not happen.
We will also occasionally have a major puke explosion. So bad that we both end up needing a bath and all clothing and surrounding furniture needs washed! He also spits up a lot while getting burped. I try to make sure he does not eat too much, because that contributes to the puking, but then I worry that maybe he is still hungry.
The good thing is that once Jude pukes or gets the burp out, he is a happy baby again. With Julia, she just cried and cried. I have picked up some Mylicon and Gripe Water and they seem to be helping some. I can deal with spit up and baby puke if it means he is going to be a happy baby!
I hold my breath each passing day. Julia's colic really started at about 3 weeks. Jude will be 3 weeks old on Friday. So every time he gets fussy or is hard to console, I worry it is a repeat of the colic starting again. BUT I have to try to remind myself that even "normal" babies cry sometimes.
Jude also really fights sleep, so he will get fussy then too. So I just never know... Is it his belly? Is he still hungry? Or is he just tired? He does not seem to like the pacifier too much, so it is not much help.
We go back to the pediatrician at 1 month old. If he is still having issues, I will discuss options with her then. I have been avoiding milk and try to limit my caffeine intake in hopes of that helping prevent some tummy issues.
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