Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First days as a SAHM

Julia and I have been having great fun these last two days! I am really liking the SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) thing so far. I fear going back to work is going to be really hard!!

On Monday we just hung around the house. We colored, did Playduh and just played. AND I let Julia blow bubbles in the house!! We have hardwood floors, so I just mopped up the soapy bubble water afterwards.

Then today we went to our first Mommy's play group. Julia had a good time and I liked the other ladies. We went to the play area of the Dayton Mall. We then saw the Easter Bunny. Julia was all excited about the Easter Bunny until it was her turn to sit on his lap. Then it turned into "I don't like it". Oh well, that is still major progress for her. She did tell him "hi" and took the coloring book his helper handed her. We then had lunch with daddy. So we had a full morning!!

Well, Julia is yelling for me to get her out of her crib. She did not take a NEAR long enough nap. I am thinking an early bedtime tonight.... Since it is fairly nice out, I think we will walk to the Post Office since I need some stamps. Maybe we will stop for ice cream on our way home! YUM!

You can tell she has never been spanked

Jerrod and I were both spanked as kids as a form of discipline. We don't really have anything against spanking, but we decided to use it as a last resort. Right now a stern talking to and time outs are working for us. But yesterday I realized that Julia has never been spanked.

Julia was getting into something I did not want her in and she was not listening to me when I told her to stop. So finally as a threat I said "Mommy's going to spank your butt if you don't stop". Julia looked at me and giggled. She then turned around, stuck her butt out at me and said "Spank my butt mommy!". Obviously, we have spanked her in play and she does not realize what real spanking means....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Play shelves

Jerrod put together a shelving rack this weekend to help store some of the stuff that will be coming out of the cat/junk/storage room that will soon be turning into Julia's new room.

Julia found the shelves and thought they were fun to play in..

Notice that the baby was laying on the upper shelf! Shortly after this, Julia decided to throw a blanket over the upper shelf and have a little tent for herself! She had great fun playing with it. And since we have not put it where it is going to go yet, it is still in my living room and Julia is still playing on it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Belly Pictures

Finally took new belly pictures. (Oh, you can also see my new haircut.)

Please be kind because these were both taken after working all day, so I don't look the best and my hair is all a mess.

Saturday at 23 weeks pregnant

Then I popped overnight! I always seem to have a major growth spurt the day after I take pictures. So we took another one tonight.

Tonight at 23 weeks, 1 day pregnant.

I just went back and looked at my belly pictures I took with Julia. I am still much bigger now than I was with her at this time. BUT.. my face, arms, etc.. are all much skinnier. You can definitely tell I weigh less this time than I did with Julia. Luckily, right now I am all belly (and boob. LOL)

Last day at daycare

Yesterday was Julia's last day of daycare. We are sad to have to pull her and they were sad to see her go. This daycare has done WONDERS for her. She started there at a year old this shy, reclusive baby who freaked out if she was in a room with more than 4 people. Now she is just a little social butterfly! Even her caregivers mentioned it the other day. They said of all the kids that have gone through there, Julia has to have been the one that has changed the most. They said it was a complete night and day transformation.

The cupcakes were a hit and Julia made sure to tell everyone that she helped mommy make them.

Then the toddler teachers made a sign for Julia. Each of them wrote a personal message on it. Reading it, it made me cry. You can tell that they really loved Julia. The one teacher was Julia's primary caregiver in the nursery when Julia started there and moved to the toddler room about the same time Julia did, so she has been with Julia her entire time there. They totally get all of Julia's quirks. One teacher even mentioned in the note how Julia is fascinated by bugs. They all said she need to hurry bad. I told them I hope she will be back this fall/winter.

It is amazing; I DREADED putting Julia into a daycare. She even was watched by a Stay At Home Mom her first year, thinking it would be much better for her than a daycare. Now I realize we were greatly mistaken. The first babysitter probably did more harm than good. (Julia was never in physical danger, but we see how taking her there really held her back.) Sure this daycare was a little on the pricey side, but it was worth EVERY penny!

I think I need to write them a note.......

Friday, March 27, 2009


I made cupcakes last night to take to Julia's daycare since it is her last day. Julia saw them and got all excited!

So after supper I frosted them and let Julia put the sprinkles on them. What fun!! I had sprinkles everywhere!! But Julia really enjoyed doing it..... AND she was so excited about bringing them to daycare today. She made sure everyone knew that she put the sprinkles on them.

They will have them as their snack today. I am sure Julia will tell everyone then again, that she helped make them.

I have a feeling we will be making a lot of cupcakes and cookies this summer! Julia LOVES helping with them. I think I will have to send most of them to work with Jerrod, so we will end up too fat here!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Its either to laugh or cry...

..I chose laugh, because really, what good is crying going to do me....

In my line of work (which I am now unemployed from) there is a certification you can get to prove you have the knowledge and expertise to be advising farmers about their crops. It was mentioned to me by my work mentor that I should get this certification because it show the farmers and my fellow co-workers that I had the competence and credibility that my job required; especially since this position is looked at as the authority when it comes to farming. The certification obtained by passing 2 tests; an international test and a state test. These tests are hard, with only about a 50% passing rate. I took the tests last summer and passed the international but failed the state test by one point. So I took the state test again this winter (you can only take it twice a year).

Well, I get an email from my (ex)office today, telling me my certification test results finally came in. I PASSED! Yeah! Except, it is like a slap in the face. I took the test to help boost my competence and expertise at my job. To help prove to everyone that I knew what I was doing. (only about 3/4 of the people in my position had this certification) I thought having it would only make my job that much more secure! HA!!!

So now I have this certification proving I know what I am doing at my job, only to be laid off from that job 3 weeks ago.

It is so sad and ironic, that I just have to laugh...... Hopefully it might help me in my search for a new job!

So what have I been doing!

For the past week I have been working my butt off, but why does it look like I have not done anything!?!? The house still needs some major cleaning and the yard still needs cleaned up. Yet, I am busy all day, have blisters on my hands and exhausted at night. So what have I been doing?!

Yesterday alone I did 4 loads of dishes, 7 loads of laundry, took out 3 bags of trash, and worked on the master bathroom. Yet the master bedroom/bath still looks a mess as does the rest of the house! I feel like I am never going to get the messy house under control. Granted, it is not that bad, but it is in serious need of a good scrub-down (dusting, mopping floors, washing windows, de-furring the furniture, etc.).

Well, I better get to it....


Julia found my can of pistachio nuts. She has been calling them "Green Beans". I guess they are green.

BUT... Unlike the real green beans, which Julia hates and refuses to eat, Julia has discovered she likes these green beans.

Then last night she dropped the can and pistachios fell on the floor. Gavin rushed up to see if it was anything good for him to eat. This caused Julia to scream...."My green beans!" and just cry. I shooed Gavin away, but Julia was convinced that Gavin took some of her green beans. She was in complete melt-down mode, even after we tried to reassure her that Gavin did not take any of her green beans!

I think I need to buy more pistachios!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Carmel Eggs

At Easter time Cadbury makes a chocolate egg with caramel in it. Jerrod loves these and he got me hooked on them too. Apparently Julia loves them too!! Jerrod gave her one to try (she loves chocolate) and she loved it! Later that night, she wanted another one, so she pushed the chair up to the cabinet, climbed on the cabinet to get to the top of the microwave where the box of these eggs were. We did not realize she had done it until she walked back into the living room with an egg in her hand.

All the Caramel egg are now gone and I am trying to decide if I should buy more......

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Miss cool

Little Miss Thing thinks she is hot stuff lately.

In her new ballerina outfit.

Being Miss Cool with her shades on in the car. If the sun gets in her eyes she always says "hot, hot!"

And a kitty picture. This is what I came downstairs to find one morning! These two love to cuddle together! I think Sebastian was upset I interpreted them.

So observant

Julia is so observant and notices everything.

Last weekend we got our hair cut. We trimmed Julia's bangs then sent her home with Jerrod's parents for a nap while Jerrod and I got ours cut. First thing Julia said when she saw me was "haircut mommy". She noticed my hair cut right away.

Then yesterday I picked up my new glasses. I did not see Julia last night afterwards because I was teaching a class. So this morning when I went to get her up, I laid her on her changing table and she looked at me and said "glasses, mommy". She noticed I had different glasses on. I was quite impressed.

I cannot believe just how observant she is. I would not have thought she would have noticed these small changes, but she picked up on them right away!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Julia's last swimming class was on Saturday. She just LOVES swimming!! I think it is the highlight of her week! The instructor is just so impressed with her, she cannot believe just how confident Julia is in the water. While most of the other kids are latched on to their parents or at least want their parents right there next to them, Julia is just the opposite. She usually runs as far away from me as possible in the water, she REFUSES to have me hold her or touch her while she is in the water.

At the start of class, the instructor asked how old Julia was and when I told her she was 2 she wanted to know how soon she would be 3. Apparently, they just opened up a new preschool class and since Julia was one of the most advanced kids in this class, she wanted to recommend we join it. BUT once she found out Julia only recently turned two, she said that the kids really have to be pretty close to three before joining the class because parent's are no longer in the pool with the kid. Which is too bad, because Julia is really ready to move on to something more challenging, but it is her age, not ability, that is holding her back. THEN, by the end of the class the instructor came up again after watching Julia the entire class. She asked what I thought. I told her that I think she is ready to move on to the next class, but I understand the age requirement. She then said, you are right, she is more than ready to move on, just tell them I said it was okay to register her in the preschool class. So we are now registered for the preschool class that starts in 2 weeks. It is on Tuesday and Thursday evenings (5pm), but since I have no new job prospects, I don't think that the time will be an issue.

Now for some pictures of my little fish! (Ignore the pregnant mommy!)

Waiting for the class to start!

Getting her teapot. See how she has no fear about being in water up to her chin?!?

Practicing jumping in! (we were counting to three...)

JUMP!!! Since she has no issue going underwater, I a lot of times let her go all the way underwater when she jumps in. She LOVES this!!

Hi Mimi!! I love swimming! (I love this picture because you can see just how pretty blue her eyes are...)

Walking to the Froggy slide. (They end each class by going down the Froggy slide)

WHEEEEEEE! She loves the slide. She starts asking to go down it as soon as the class begins.

Friday, March 20, 2009

From the mouth of Julia

Julia is just so funny and smart! Her language skills just impress me everyday! She can now carry on complete conversations with us and we know exactly what she is saying. She is very good at answering questions too with complete sentences! She can tell you what she all did that day at daycare and who she played with. She can also carry on LONG conversations on the phone with her Mimi! Last night we finally took the phone away from her after about 20-30 minutes because we figured she had talked to her long enough! Boy was she MAD!!

We take swimming lessons in the next town over. This is the same town that her daycare is in. We drive past the road with take to swimming to get to the daycare. EVERY TIME we have driven past that road for the last week or so, Julia has to say "That way is swimming" or "Over there is swimming".

Julia also has free range to go upstairs now, which she does frequently. However, if she happens to poop her diaper while up there, she calls out for one of us to carry her back down the stairs by saying "Come carry me, no sit on my poop!"! LOL She refuses to sit on her poopy butt to come down the stairs.

Julia is getting a real sense of humor. She will do something silly then say "Julia funny". She completely cracks herself up!

We bought a new kid's CD for the van several weeks ago. Well Julia discovered that the song "5 little monkeys jumping on the bed" is on it. That is ALL she wanted to listen to, that same song over and over and over again. Anytime another song would come on she would say "no king(sing), five little monkeys!!". So I would have to put "5 little monkeys" back on again. We listened to those same 3 minutes for hours on end!!

We are REALLY enjoying Julia. She is so much fun and an endless source of entertainment for us!

So much to do

There is so much to get done around the house. I am trying to get a bunch of the projects done in the next week when Julia is at daycare. Some of these projects are hard to do with her around and no one to keep an eye on her. Jerrod is worried that I am over-doing it. I am just just trying to get things done. But I have been known to over-do things. I just want to get things looking somewhat nice. Besides, I am better able to do it now than I will be in a couple of months, my belly does not get in the way too bad yet and I still have some energy!

Yesterday I did the following:
Took back the extra tiles
Bought paint for the bathroom that is getting painted tomorrow
Bought grass seed, so we can sow it in the front yard tomorrow
Bought a BUNCH of groceries! Seriously, I was in the grocery store for an hour and a half!
Carried in all the groceries and put them away!
Mowed a couple patches of ground cover that I want to seed in grass instead.
Made supper
Did a couple loads of laundry
Cleaned up a mess in the basement
Stopped at the pet store with Julia to get new gravel for the fish tank

Today my goal is to:
Scrub down the bathroom walls and ceiling
Scrub the toilet and tub in the bathroom
Completely clean out the fish tank; as in empty out all the water and scrub everything down
Do the dishes so the sinks are empty so I can clean out the fish tank
Do several loads of laundry.

I better get cracking, since it is almost 11am already!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

At home, Day 1

Yesterday was my first day home. It was NOT my first day as a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom), however, because of the notice I needed to give daycare. So Julia is at daycare for another week.

On my first day home, I worked my tail off. I actually think I over-did it, but I really wanted to get it done. I raked all the leave in the front of the house. It took all day, I am sore, I have blisters, but it is done! It is now ready to be seeded in grass. I hope to do that this weekend. Unfortunately, they back yard is 3x bigger and needs done too.

I am trying to do the projects that are hard to do with Julia around this week while she is still at daycare.

The house is in SERIOUS need of a good cleaning and scrub-down, but that can wait for a raining day. If it is nice out, I am going to be working in the yard!!

I am about ready to leave to buy groceries and run some errands. Hopefully by this afternoon it would have warmed up and dried up enough that I can work outside some more!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Last day of working

Today was my last day of work. It seems quite surreal. Actually it feels almost exactly like I felt when I went on maternity leave with Julia. I don't think it has quite sunk in yet that I will not be going back. I do have to teach 3 programs yet, though...

I have worked since I was 16, so not having a job and not being stressed out over finding a new job, is all new to me. I think I am really going to enjoy my time as a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM), while I can. I really think Julia is going to enjoy it too!

I have already scoped out the parks and looked into a few mom's groups around here. I think it is going to be a fun summer!

Day at the park

On Sunday, Julia refused to take a nap. Since it was such a nice day out, I thought her and I could walk to one of the nearby parks I have recently found and let her burn off some of her energy. She LOVED it! It had a separate section for kids her age with playground equipment made just for toddlers. She had so much fun climbing up on everything and going down the slides. However, she kept wanting to go down the HUGE slide that was in the other part of the park. This slide was probably 12-16 feet tall! She just could not understand why I would not let her go don that slide. I kept telling her she was too little for it, but she was not believing me.

While playing, a little boy about 5 yrs old and his grandma came to the park. Julia played with the little boy awhile. The grandma had a little fluff-ball of a dog with her. Julia kept saying "boof, mommy, boof". The lady asked if Julia wanted to pet it and Julia actually DID!!!! Then a little later, Julia went running towards the dog saying "pet boof again". So the lady let her pet it again! I just could not believe that Julia actually WANTED to pet this dog. Dogs up close have always scared her. I think it really helped that this dog did not bark and was quite small.

After we played in the park awhile, we stopped at the Dairy Queen to get ice cream for the walk home. Julia was in heaven!

Then last night after we ate supper, ran over to her stroller (which was still sitting out), climbed in and said "ice cream, daddy". She wanted to go for a walk to get more ice cream!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Dirty socks

I was getting Julia dressed this morning and was trying to find socks to match the outfit. I realized that green socks would work the best. BUT, Julia wore her green socks yesterday. She did not wear them long (she went most of the day barefoot), so I figured she could wear them today. As I pulled them out of the laundry basket to put on her, Julia stopped me and would not let me put them on her. She said "no, they are dirty!" and went reaching for the drawer where her socks are kept in. So she wore socks that did not quite match, but worked.

Well, at least I hope this is a sign that I will not constantly have to tell her to put clean clothes on...

Nail biter

Looks like Julia has taken after her daddy and is a nail biter. She has been doing it for months now and shows no sign of stopping. Even though Jerrod has stopped biting his nails months ago, I am afraid it is just genetic.

Well at least I don't have to fight her on trimming her nails anymore....

Opening doors

Julia figured out a couple weeks ago how to open doors. Now she is an old pro and there is not a door that can keep her out.

Luckily, we dead bolt our outside doors and she is not tall enough to reach the dead bolt yet!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Julia's babies

In the last couple of months Julia has really taken to baby dolls. Before this, she wanted nothing to do with them.

Now, she carries them around all the time and is a little mother to them. She has two baby dolls and one Elmo baby doll. She has to sleep with all of them each night and they each have to have their won blanket. Also, so we rock her at bedtime, it is not usual for us to also have to rock all her babies with her. It can make things a little difficult at times.

Julia has one baby doll in particular that she loves. Last weekend we were having leftovers for lunch and Julia REFUSED to sit in her seat at the table. She kept telling us "no, baby sit there" and she would put the baby in her seat. So finally Jerrod and I had the bright idea to pull up the highchair (that has been sitting unused in the corner for months) to the table beside Julia and put the baby doll in that. Julia liked that ideal and willingly sat in her chair after that.

But once I got the food in front of her, Julia decided that the baby had to have something for lunch too. So I got out a handful of fruity cheerios for the baby. LOL

Here is the picture of this (oh, Julia loves that green headband and wears if frequently, despite what she is wearing. AND she puts it in herself, so she ends up with mushroom hair!LOL)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The swelling has started....

I can only imagine what my ankles are going to look like come this summer.

I have been noticing for about the last week or so, that by the time I go to bed, my ankles have swollen slightly. I know this is normal for pregnancy, especially for someone who is on their feet a lot and chasing a toddler around.

I think I am going to have to try to prop my feet of more during the day..

In other baby news, I forgot to mention that when I had my ultrasound last week, that they said the placenta is anterior. Which basically means that instead of attaching at the back of the uterus by my spine, it attached in the front by my belly. This is not a issue, but it does explain why I feel this baby so much differently than I did Julia. With this baby I feel him more on my sides, really low, or kicking my organs. I never feel him kicking my belly like Julia was doing at this time. My midwife said to give it a couple weeks and he will be strong enough and I will start to feel the kicks through the placenta. But this also means that Jerrod really cannot feel the baby move yet. Soon...


Checked into Jerrod's insurance. I will not know the exact details until I can actually sign up, but it looks comparable in both price and coverage to what I have now. That is a huge relief! I was envisioning having to pay thousands of dollars for the remainder of this pregnancy. That does not look to be the case.

Yhew.... One less thing to worry about.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Little fish

Julia just loves the water! She loves baths, she loves the swimming pool, anything to do with water.

Julia swam a lot last summer in the in-laws pool. She was pretty brave and daring towards the end.

We are about done with swimming lessons at the Rec Center. Julia has no fear of the water. While the other kids are clutching their parent's, Julia wants nothing to do with me and is freely running around in chin-deep water. She will also put her head underwater without a problem. The swim instructor just cannot believe how comfortable Julia is in the water at only 2 years old. During the call the instructor has the child do several activities that help with them getting comfortable with the water (like float, go underwater, etc). She will go around to each parent/child and have them show her that the child can do it. Well, she knows Julia loves water so much by now, she no longer asks us to prove Julia can do it, she just asks if she can!LOL

At one point last week the instructor was talking to me about how she just cannot believe how comfortable Julia was in the water. She actually asked me if I had a water birth with her!!!LOL

With me being off, and the in-laws retiring, I have a feeling that we will be spending a lot of time over at the in-laws pool swimming this summer!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun with her cousins

We went over to my parent's house Sunday night for a family supper. Julia has 4 cousins on that side (and none on the other). She is really starting to enjoy playing with them. They hung out and played all evening. She SCREAMED when it was time to go, she did not want to leave.....

Here they are waiting on supper. We pulled the little table out of the toyroom and let them eat on it. (The big boy is 4.5, the one in orange will be 2 this week, and the other little girl is 18 months, FYI)

The oldest cousin taught them all how to bang on the table and cause lots of noise! Julia thought this was great fun!

"Oh Toodles"

Julia has only recently gotten into watching TV. On Saturday and Sunday mornings we will turn on the Disney channel and she will watch Playhouse Disney. Which consist of The Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and some Winnie the Pooh show. Julia mostly likes Mickey Mouse and Handy Manny.

Well, Playhouse Disney Live on Tour came to a town near us. So I got us all tickets to see it, thinking Julia would really like it.

She liked it, but you could tell she was still a little too young to get the full enjoyment out of it. She could not understand why all the kids around her were screaming. She sat still for all but the last 5 minutes of the 1.5 hour show (we did take a walk at intermission).

It was so dark and we were so far away from the stage, I could not get pictures. But I did snap one during intermission. Julia said she wanted juice, so I bought her some and a popcorn to go with it (they only had one size).


Jerrod and I have been doing a lot of talking and thinking over the weekend about my whole job thing. I think the thing that depresses us the most about it is that we have to pull Julia from her daycare. Which is funny considering I hated having to put her in it to begin with!

But Julia LOVES her daycare now. She as made friends there. She talks about and ask for these friends all the time. She as also REALLY grown socially. She was this super shy mommy's baby when she started there at one year old. Now she is much more comfortable around people. She has also really benefited mentally too. At the age of two, she can recite the entire alphabet, count to 10, can sing numerous songs, knows her colors, etc.... I highly doubt she would have done that well even if I stayed home with her.

Her teachers there also really like Julia, and she likes them. They have really seen her grow as a person. When I told her primary teacher today that we will probably have to pull her out, she got really sad and said how much she really enjoys Julia and how upset she will be to see her go.

We are trying to figure out a way to be able to afford taking her there at least part-time (this daycare has a 2 day minimum for part-time). But I just don't see it being financially possible. That is still a pretty good amount of money each week.

Sure there is storytime at the library, mommy and me classes I can look into, etc, but they are just not the same. I also know this is only temporary and Julia will eventually go back to daycare (after paying the enrollment fee again and going back on the waiting list), but this will be a major change in her life and she does not do well with change. We hate to have to make her leave all the friends she has finally made.

This is actually depressing Jerrod quite a bit, it just makes me sad....


We think we might know where she picked this habit up, but still....

Julia has learned to spit. BUT she has not learned where it is appropriate to spit. So one day, she stopped, leaned over and spit right on our living room floor, TWICE!!

She thinks spitting is funny.... Sigh.....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Now the good news....

Before all the crap with my job happened Thursday afternoon, I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment Thursday morning.

Things are GREAT!!!

I really liked this ultrasound tech, she took the time to explain and show us everything she was looking at and measuring.

The baby had everything he needs, kidneys, 4-chamber heart, nasal bone, etc... She was able to count all 10 fingers too!! She also confirmed, that indeed, the baby was a boy!

And he is a BIG boy!! I figured he would be big, my family just produces big babies. Julia was always measuring ahead (and she was 9lbs, 6oz. at birth), but this baby is measuring even father ahead than she did. Right now, he is measuring over 1.5 weeks ahead. He is going to be tall because his leg bones were measuring 3 weeks ahead! My baby books say he should be weighing about 10oz now, but according to the ultrasound, he was already weighing 1 pound!!

A little TMI, but they measured my cervix length during the ultrasound. This length helps indicate if pre-term labor will occur. They like to see the length be above 2-2.5cm, with normal being between 3 and 4 cm. Well mine was 5.3cm!!!! My midwife said she has NEVER seen a cervix length that long!! At least I know all these cramps are not doing anything.... Unfortunately, this probably also indicates that this baby is not going to want to leave either and I will have to be induced again. Sigh....I was really hoping to avoid another pitocin labor.

First the bad news....

Thursday was a day of great news and a day of bad news. This post will be about the bad news.

The company I work for is in the middle of "restructuring". They were in the process of doing this anyway, but the poor economy sped up the process. In the process of restructuring, they identified several positions to be eliminated...... Mine was one of them......

I still have to work a few more weeks, but I have officially been let go. That hurts.....

I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with, I loved my clients; I also really loved the benefits!

I shocked myself in that even with all the pregnancy hormones running through me, I did not cry once over this. I was close a few times, but never did completely breakdown. The timing REALLY sucks and with this economy, it sucks even more, but I will get through it. When one door shuts, a window opens, right?

I think the thing that upsets me the most about this whole situation is that I am 5 months pregnant and that really complicates things. First off being insurance... Luckily, we can get insurance through Jerrod's employer, but it is not going to be near as good as mine was. Secondly, by the time my official end date comes around, I will be 7-8 months pregnant. Who is going to hire a hugely pregnant woman knowing they are going to have to take maternity leave soon.

Speaking of maternity leave, this really upsets me. I have been saving up all my vacation and sick leave so I could take off the entire 12 weeks allowed by FMLA and actually have it paid. Now I lose all that. I will get paid for my vacation leave, but it is just not the same. Even if I manage to find a job before this baby is born, I will not get paid maternity leave and will have to go back to work as soon as the 6 weeks is up.

Financially, I think we will survive, for now. I will get unemployment. Then take into account we will not be paying for daycare, savings on gas, along with a few other things I am looking into, I think we will manage fine; it will be tight, but it will be fine. At this point I am pretty convinced I will not be able to get a job until after the baby is born. I guess I just need to look at the positive; all the time I will get to spend with Julia. I had said many times after Julia was born that I would like to be a stay at home mom for awhile, well, now I have my chance. This is just not how I had planned on it.

Crazy week

I know I have not updated in awhile. It has been a crazy week. I will be posting a bunch of updates soon.

Right now, I have to start a load in the washer.....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More shopping!

At the young age of 2, Julia is already a shopaholic!!

Anytime we run to the store, when we are done she is always asking for "more shopping". When I tell her we are going to go home and see daddy, she replies "No... More Shopping!".

On Friday, she went shopping ALL DAY with Jerrod's parent's. If anyone could tire her out shopping, I thought it would be Debbie. But went I was putting her in the van to go home, she said "more shopping!!!"

I normally don't like shopping, but I have a feeling I am going to have to learn to like it really fast.

"Not nice"

Julia has really picked up on when someone is not being nice. She really likes to tell them when they are not being nice to her. "Not nice mommy" and "Not nice daddy" are heard frequently at our house.

Yesterday morning Julia was sitting on our bed while I finished getting ready. She tried playing with our cat Pepe, who is really prissy. Pepe was not in the mood for playing and swatted Julia's hand. Julia pulled her hand back and said "Not nice kitty". LOL

It also crushes Julia to know she is not being nice. We can tell her "no" or "that hurts" and she will just laugh. But if we say "That is not nice Julia", she breaks down into tears. Such a sensitive soul...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Trash Day

"Dear WasteManagement:

I realize this morning was cold and windy, but could you please try to be more careful when you empty the trash bins into your truck to make sure all of it actually gets in the truck and not on the ground. Also please try to realize when you need to compact the trash down so it does not blow out of the truck all over my yard and down the road as you drive away.


This is not the first time this has happened. It actually happens about once every month or so. Went out to the car this morning to discover take-out boxes and general trash debris all over our yard and road. Sometimes the neighbor's dog gets into the trash, but I don't think that was the case this morning. I think it was just a trash man trying to work fast because it was cold and spilling trash as he dumped the bin, combined with not compacting the trash which caused all the loose paper to blow out and all over.

I really don't want to call the City to complain because, well, I don't want the City down our road (We live on a back road often forgotten about by the city). We occasionally leave the bin at the curb all week (as do most of our neighbors), which the city does not allow. They also have very strict guidelines on the upkeep of your house and lawn, and sometimes life gets in the way and our grass did not always get mowed in a timely manner. So I prefer not to attract the attention of the City....

So I will just continue to pick up all the trash debris that is left each Monday morning.

No diaper!


Julia has taken off her pj's at night for many months now. I just come to expect to find her in her diaper in the mornings. But now she has taken it to a new level! She is now taking her diaper off too!!

About 3:30am Saturday morning Julia wakes up crying for mommy. I go down and discover that at some point during the night she had taken off her diaper (along with her pj's) and now she had wet the bed and was sleeping in a big, cold wet spot. She, of course did not like this. So in the middle of the night, I strip the bedding and put new on. Unfortunately for Julia, her Blankie got soaked, and the other one was still in the wash, so she had to go without for the rest of the night. That morning when I get her, she was naked again, but at least this time she had not peed yet!

So now it is becoming a common site to go in to get her after a nap or in the mornings to find her completely naked! I would not have a problem with this as much if she was actually potty trained, but she is not. I keep telling her she in not allowed to go bare bottom like that until she learns to pee in the potty!

Speaking of potty training, we are slowly making progress. Well, at least daycare is. They say she goes in the potty about half of the time. It is still pretty rare at our house. I think it is because daycare has a schedule as to when they use the bathroom. We will ask Julia throughout the day if she has to go, but she always says "no". I think we just need to make a schedule to put her on the potty. But then she surprises me sometimes by going without anyone asking her or even anyone around. So she is getting it and we are trying not to push it yet. We might start working on it a little harder though soon.

March is HERE!

Is it just me, or did this winter seem exceptionally cold?

I am so glad March is here! This is a sign that the worse of the winter is over (I say this as parts of the country are getting a blizzard). Sure we get snow and cold in March and April (and even in May), but the warmers days are coming!!

I really need to sew some grass seed. (The freeze/thaw cycle helps work the seed into the soil.) But I need to rake up all the leaves first! With my preggo belly, it will take me quite awhile to get the entire yard raked before I can even consider sewing grass seed.