Sunday, March 8, 2009

Now the good news....

Before all the crap with my job happened Thursday afternoon, I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment Thursday morning.

Things are GREAT!!!

I really liked this ultrasound tech, she took the time to explain and show us everything she was looking at and measuring.

The baby had everything he needs, kidneys, 4-chamber heart, nasal bone, etc... She was able to count all 10 fingers too!! She also confirmed, that indeed, the baby was a boy!

And he is a BIG boy!! I figured he would be big, my family just produces big babies. Julia was always measuring ahead (and she was 9lbs, 6oz. at birth), but this baby is measuring even father ahead than she did. Right now, he is measuring over 1.5 weeks ahead. He is going to be tall because his leg bones were measuring 3 weeks ahead! My baby books say he should be weighing about 10oz now, but according to the ultrasound, he was already weighing 1 pound!!

A little TMI, but they measured my cervix length during the ultrasound. This length helps indicate if pre-term labor will occur. They like to see the length be above 2-2.5cm, with normal being between 3 and 4 cm. Well mine was 5.3cm!!!! My midwife said she has NEVER seen a cervix length that long!! At least I know all these cramps are not doing anything.... Unfortunately, this probably also indicates that this baby is not going to want to leave either and I will have to be induced again. Sigh....I was really hoping to avoid another pitocin labor.

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