Monday, February 28, 2011

Playing outside

Like I said in a previous post, the kids have played outside more since moving then they had the entire time we live at the old house.

They are having so much fun and are always begging to go out.

I snapped a few pictures one day while they were out playing.

Julia just got done riding her bike, that is why she has a helmet on.

Jude thought he would steal a quick play with the toy before Julia caught on and took it away from him.

Jude is all excited that he can RUN and I don't have to be on his tail the entire time.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Glam Girl!

Julia can really glam it up.

After moving all of her play jewelry, she decided that she had to wear EVERY SINGLE piece of jewelry!

I then found some cheap Disney Princess hair things, and Julia thought she had to wear all of them AT ONCE!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Moving the cats.

The cats made the move to the new house without issue. They calmed down fairly quickly, and claimed it home in no time.

At one point we were moving a dresser and the cats thought the drawers were the perfect napping place.

Buried in boxes

This is what our front room looked like last week! Oh my.....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mummy Jude!

My poor baby Jude. What a trooper he is!

He has been getting tremors/shakes occasionally when he wakes up. It looks like he is shivering, but he is not cold. He also gets night terrors. Julia also got/gets night terrors, so they did not concern me, but the tremors did. Discussed it with the dr. at Jude's 18 month check-up. The tremors did not concern her too much until she realized he also gets night terrors. Having both concerned her some, enough that she ordered an EEG just to make sure nothing neurological is going on.

Jude had an appointment at Children's Hospital today to have the EEG put on. They attached about 30 or so wires to his head! All the wires attached to a device that they attached to the top of his head. From that device, a bigger wire snaked down into a backpack Jude has to wear that contains the recording device and battery pack.

Jude screamed and was MAD while the lady was messing with his head and attaching the wires. After she wrapped him in gauze and taped him up, he was fine. He even was okay with the arm splints she put on him to prevent him from pulling on the wires. He was even smiling as we left.

We go back tomorrow for them to remove all the wires.

Of course, I had to take pictures.....

Right after she finished. Notice how red his cheeks are from screaming.

That was not so bad mom!

Although, I am top-heavy now and it is hard to hold my head up!

Still my happy boy!

Jude was more bothered by wearing the backpack, than he was by all the stuff on his head!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Loving the yard

I think the kids have played more outside in the last week here at the new house than they had the ENTIRE time we lived at the old house.

It is so nice to have a yard they can run and play in and I don't have to worry about the road. Julia has been riding her bike all day today, she really likes the big cement driveway.

I am already thinking about where I can plant my herb garden and veggie garden. Where the previous owners had their veggie garden is right where we want to build the swing set for the kids.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We have MOVED!!

We have moved and I finally got my computer put back together and on-line!

The house is pretty much put together. Most of the boxes have been unpacked. There are a few boxes here and there, but not too bad. There is still some stuff at the old house, but most of that stays for staging. Now we just need to finish getting our old house ready and on the market and SOLD!

I will try to take some pictures and post them when I get a chance.

Email me or call my cell for our new address and phone number.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Purple Fairy

I just LOVE Julia's imagination and creativity!!

The other day she was a magic purple fairy that was sprinkling magic everywhere!

Check out the purple eye makeup and purple hair!! (I sprayed the temp color in her hair.)

Jude's first day of "school"

Jude gets mad every time I drop Julia off at preschool because he wants to stay and play and he is not allowed to.

Two weeks ago one of the student teachers said "you know we have a toddler class". I explained that he just turned 18 months, so I thought he was too young, besides, it is in the middle of the school year. The student teacher did not think that mattered. So I thought about it for a couple of day and finally called the director of the program. She confirmed that, yes, as long as he is currently older than 18 months, and yes, they still had openings and would love to have him. The best part is that it is only $15 per month. Granted it is only for a couple hours each week, but for that price I could not pass up the chance for Jude to get that social interaction.

Today was his first day of "school". He was sooooo excited that he actually got to PLAY with the stuff today!

"Look mom, I can actually play with this stuff!"

Jude tends to be shy, so I am hoping being away from me and his sister and around other kids his age will help.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jude's 18 month check-up

Took Jude to his 18 month check-up on Friday. He was still getting over a cold too.

He was 34" long, which puts him at the top of the chart. He weighed 27 pounds, which is about the 70th percentile. I really think he weighs more normally, but he had not been eating really well for a couple days before the appointment because of his cold. He obviously gets his height from my family. I have a feeling he is going to be tall like my dad and brother.

The pedi checked him over and said he had a mild inner ear infection, but since the cold was getting better, she was not going to treat it and let it clear up on it's own. Since he was still slightly sick, she decided not to give vaccinations then. We will have to come back for them when he is healthy.

The pedi just could not believe just how happy and active Jude is.

We then talked about the couple of concerns I had. Occasionally when Jude wakes up he will have "tremors". I don't know how else to describe them. It looks like he is shivering, but he is not cold. They will last 10-15 minutes. The pedi thought about just watching it for a month, but then seen in his chart that he gets night terrors. I told her he is currently going through another batch of night terrors. Every night between 10-midnight, he will wake up crying, sometimes screaming. He will go back to sleep without me having to go comfort him. Julia got night terrors (and still occasionally does), so I was not concerned. Normally the pedi would not be concerned about them either, but since he is getting night terrors AND has "tremors", she is worried about something neurological going on. So she is referring us to a specialist at the Children's Hospital to have an EEG done.

I also explained that his speech was concerning us some. He was speaking full sentences at a year old, but he has not really progressed any since then. Julia was talking up a storm by this age. I know it could be because Julia was ahead, he is a boy, and he is the second child. But I thought I would mention it anyway. The pedi was a little concerned about the lack of progression, so she ordered a speech and hearing evaluation to be done. That way if there is a problem, intervention can be started early.

So not as good as a visit that I hoped for, but I am glad my pedi is being pro-active. Jerrod and I are worried about something being wrong. It is probably nothing and the tests will come back fine, but it is still nerve-racking to think something might be wrong with our kid.

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

I am up to my eyeballs in boxes!

I have been scarce lately. Have been busy packing up boxes, painting, and generally getting things ready to move.

We get keys and start moving on Wednesday. That is only two days away!!!! Hoping to be sleeping in the new place by Saturday or Sunday night. I am so excited. Scheduled to have all the utilities turned on. Change of address is all I still have to do, but that can be done gradually since we do not have our current house on the market yet. Hoping to have it listed by the end of the month. Praying it sells quickly!

Looking forward to the big yard for the kids to run in and the HUGE kitchen.

I will probably be MIA for a bit while moving. Call my cell if you need me.