Sunday, January 3, 2010

First foreign object

Tonight we had another first. The first time a foreign object gets shoved into a body part and gets stuck there.....

Julia was taking her bath. She is finally old enough now that we will actually leave the bathroom for a few minutes while she plays in the tub. I just make sure I stay within earshot, so I can hear her at all times. So I was in the living room, which is right next to the bathroom. When I hear Julia start crying "Mommy, *whine* *whine* *whine*". I can tell by the cry that there is something wrong. I go running into the bathroom and Julia has her finger up her nose. I ask her what is wrong and she says "I have a eye stuck up my nose". At first I thought she meant she had a booger way up her nose that was bothering her, but that just did not make sense. Then I figure it out.... She has these foam animal letters that she plays with in the bathtub. These animals have little foam eyes glued on them. For whatever reason, Julia likes to take the eyes off of all these animals. She has one of these foam animal eyes up her nose. She obviously had to have put it up there in the first place!

I look up her nose and sure enough, I see one of those animal eyes way up in one of her nostrils. I tell her to try blowing her nose, but she is so freaked by this point, she cannot do it right.

At this point I come out of the bathroom laughing and tell Jerrod we have our first stuck foreign object; a foam eye up the nose!! I have him go and comfort her while I go and get the tweezers and a flashlight. I come back in, have Jerrod try holding her, while I try to stick the tweezers up her nose to retrieve the eye. Julia is screaming and bucking with all her might. After two attempts, I am afraid I might hurt the inside of her nose with the tweezers with the way she is squirming. I get a tissue and have her try blowing her nose again. This time she does it right. After the third try, the eye finally comes out.

Julia quickly calms down and Jerrod and I just shake our head and laugh about it. We then have a discussion with Julia about how you do NOT stick thing up your nose or in your ears!

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