Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Julia goes through spurts where she is just hungry all the time. She is currently going through one of those spurts.

She is asking for food as soon as we get home from daycare (sometimes even before). She will eat a snack when we get home and STILL eat a huge supper. And yes, the daycare feeds her and says that she actually is a really good eater for them. I just think she just plays so hard that she is hungry often. They do have snack time around 3pm.

The other night I made salmon patties for supper. I was not sure if she would like them. Salmon is a pretty strong flavor. I cut up part of one and she devoured it and asked for more! So I gave her the rest of it. She finished it and was still asking for more! So she got some cheese and a bagel and a cookie for dessert! That is more that I ate for supper!!!

It seems like she eats non-stop sometimes. I guess she is a growing girl going through another growth spurt.

Oh, I was a bad mommy yesterday. I was running a little behind yesterday morning. After getting me and Julia dressed and ready, I realized daycare will have stopped serving breakfast by the time I get there. I really did not have the time to let her sit and eat a bowl of cereal. About that time Julia started asking for a cookie. So I gave in and gave her a cookie and juice to eat on the way to daycare. What a nutritious breakfast! Oh well, Julia at least really enjoyed it!

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