Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Julia sayings...

A 3 year old's speech is so funny sometimes. Here are a couple of Julia's latest things.

Last week while buying groceries, I found some temporary tattoos for a dollar. I thought for a dollar, that was cheap excitement for Julia. So I bought them and we put some on her. Now Julia keeps talking about about her "tattoons". I keep telling her they are called "tattoos, not tattoons", but she does not care and calls them "tattoons".

Julia has a polka-dot hat and matching polka-dot flip-flops. The other day she said she was going to wear her "polka-dotty" hat and flip-flops. So now she keeps calling them her "polka-dotty" hat and flip-flops.

One day Julia was eating a popsicle and had gotten it all over her. I looked at her and said "you are a hot mess, lets get you washed up". Julia looked at me and said "I'm a cold mess, NOT a hot mess!". How can I argue with that?!

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