Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Julia is obsessed with birthdays. Today she went up to about 5 complete strangers and asked them when their birthday was. She then proceeds to tell them when her birthday is. "My birthday is when there is snow out!". She also tells everyone when all the rest of our birthdays are. "Daddy's birthday is when there is snow out, Mommy's birthday is when it is hot out, Jude's birthday is when it is hot out", etc..

She is also obsessed with "making" birthday cards. Any piece of paper, mail, etc.. is a birthday card! She will also wrap of toys in a blanket and give it to me saying it is my birthday present! I think Christmas and her birthday are going to be GREAT fun this year!!

When we went grocery shopping last week the only thing she cried about because I would not buy for her was a birthday card! I had to drag her out of the card section with her screaming!

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