Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jude's 2 month check-up

Jude is still a really BIG boy!

Jude had his 2 month check-up today. He weighed 12lbs, 12oz. Although I actually think he is a few ounces heavier. He was kicking and moving when they tried to weigh him and had a hard time getting an accurate weight. Later when I had him swaddled up and sleeping, I placed him on the scale, he was just 1oz shy of 13 pounds. He was still off the charts in height at 24.25". His head also grew to 16".

Everything else looked great. The pedi was saddened to hear that Jude is still struggling with colic, but was relieved that it is not NEAR as bad as Julia's was.

Jude also got 5 vaccinations today; 4 shots and one oral.

The pedi was really great and even let Julia listen to Jude's heart with her stethoscope!

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