Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Colic update

I am happy to report that Jude's colic is MUCH better!!! It is still not completely gone, his is especially fussy during the "witching hours" (5-9pm), but it is much better than it was and Jude is actually happy quite a bit.

I think what helped the most was the combination of the probiotics and swaddling him. I tried probiotics with Julia without success. I tried the same type with Jude at first, also without success. But then the pediatrician had me switch to a much stronger type and at a higher dose. I think the probiotics are calming his digestive system down enough, where it does not bother him as much. When he does get unconsolable, which still happens a lot throughout the day, I just swaddle him up as tight as I can get him. That usually calms him down within a few minutes. I usually still have to walk and bounce him, but I can deal with that as long as he is not screaming. Oddly enough, he will calm down when Julia sings to him, but not when I sing to him. It is still rare that I can put him down awake (on the floor or in the swing), without him screaming shortly after. If he is in a really good mood, I might get away with it, but if he is in a fussy mood, it is not going to happen. He needs that lovin' from mommy to keep him settled.

Still, this is MILES better than Julia ever was. It is so much better than Julia was, that Jerrod and I are actually ENJOYING the baby stage. Sure, he still cries/fusses MUCH more than a typical baby, but compared to Julia, this is great!

Here is my fussy baby.....

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