Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today I turned 31! Had a pretty relaxing day. Julia was sick and wanted held a lot, but I did not mind that, it is so rare that she will let you hold her anymore.

My in-laws took me out for lunch and brought me a birthday cake. They did not stay long though, since Julia was not feeling well.

The rest of the day, we all just lounged around the house, and did not do too much. I wanted to sweep and scrub the hardwood floors, but Jerrod would not let me. He said they were fine and he was not going to let me do any crazy nesting cleaning today.LOL

I did start a new book today and I am loving it so far. So I think I might just go to bed early tonight, read awhile and actually go to sleep fairly early!

I thought maybe Jude would come out and share my birthday, but I don't think he wants to share his birthday with his mommy!

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