Thursday, July 2, 2009

37 weeks!

Well, I will officially be 37 weeks tomorrow, but we are leaving tomorrow for Cincinnati for the weekend (for a wedding).

Had another midwife appointment today. Everything still looks great. She said that they might do another quick ultrasound next week to make sure he stayed head down if either of us have any doubt about his position. I am almost sure he is still head down. She did say she might try to start striping my membranes next week. Normally they would not do that until 39 weeks, but she knows how much I was to avoid another induction and she does not think it will put me in labor, but it might help further the process along some. I also have a few other tricks that will help soften the cervix that I will probably start in a week or so. I am not trying to get the baby to come early, I am just hoping these things will help get things ready so labor will actually occur on it's own before 42 weeks (the longest my midwife will let me go before inducing me).

Oh, I have just about approached the 20 pound gain mark for this pregnancy. My goal was to gain 20 pounds or less (I gained 18-19 pounds with Julia). So I am fairly pleased. I am overweight to start with, so I did not want to gain any excessive weight. With Julia I was down to my pre-pregnancy weight within a week or two of her birth. I hope the same happens this time.

Julia is still obsessed with playing with Baby Jude (playing with my tummy). She rubs, talks to, sings to, kisses, hugs, etc... my belly several times a day. She especially loves my belly button. She thinks that is the direct link to Jude.

Here she is talking to Jude through my belly button!

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