Monday, February 2, 2009

My empathic child...

Poor Julia. She has such empathy, even if it is slightly misplaced!!

Julia has this Best of Elmo DVD that she loves!! We watched it 3 times this weekend alone! Well, there is one part in the DVD where Elmo is explaining the difference between heavy and light. Elmo is holding a feather and another monster (I think it might be Cookie Monster) is carrying a load of bricks. At the end of the skit, Cookie Monster cannot hold the bricks anymore because they are just too heavy and he falls with all the bricks falling on top of him. The skit ends there. This ending upsets Julia greatly! She cries and gets upset EVERY TIME!! So is so worried that Cookie Monster got hurt. EVERY TIME it takes several minutes (and several hugs) of us telling her it is okay, Cookie Monster and Elmo are not hurt before she calms down and can watch the rest of the DVD.

I would stop playing this DVD for her because of this, but she LOVES it otherwise and is constantly asking to watch it. I think she really likes it because Julia Roberts is in one of the skits and Julia thinks it is really neat that Elmo says her name repeatedly (as he is talking to Julia Roberts). I think I need to order a few more Elmo DVD's so we can rotate them.

What a empathic soul.....

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