Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More singing

I am just amazed at how will Julia knows songs.

She can recite her entire ABC's, including the little "now I said my ABC's..." at the end. Sure, she occasionally skips over a few letters, but I think that is darn good for a 2 year old.

She also can sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, complete with hand motions. Before she could only sing the first line and only do a few hand motions. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is another one she has down. She has a good part of Old MacDonald down too.

It is so neat to lay in bed at night and hear Julia over the monitor singing all these songs to herself (when she should be sleeping!).

We played the Beatles song "Julia" for Jerry the other day since he did not realize Julia was also a Beatles song (he knew Jude was). We have played this song many, many times before for Julia, but I guess she never really listened to it until now. Now she knows that it is a song about Julia. So now we get asked to "sing Julia song" on a regular basis. She always cheers when it is over too!

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