Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Latest Julia tid-bits

Julia has been so fun lately.

She loves to sing. They do what they call "circle time" at daycare almost everyday. I think circle time is when all the toddlers sit in a circle and sing songs. It is really neat to hear Julia to start singing a song, complete with hand/arm motions. Most of the time I can even pick up what song she is singing! Her current favorite songs are: The Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, BINGO, Old Mac Donald, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, ABC's, among others.

Julia is also obsessed with colors. Right now she can identify blue, yellow, green, and purple. If she sees any of these colors she makes sure you know it! She is also starting to get the other colors too.

She is starting to count. The other day she was climbing the stairs and was counting each one on the way up! I did not think a 20 month old toddler was supposed to be able to count and say her ABC's! I work with her, but I think the daycare plays a big role in this.

Julia's vocabulary and language skills continue to amaze me. This was a conversation between Julia and Debbie (MiMi).

Julia (to Debbie) - Did you poop?
Debbie - Um....Did you poop?
Julia - Yep!

I think Julia is going through a growth spurt because she has really been eating. A LOT. Sometimes it really amazes me just how much she can eat. I am not sure where she puts it all. Last night she had have her first Oreo cookies. It took her less than 20 seconds to figure how to take the top off and lick the filling!

Finally, I signed Julia back up for swimming classes. She loved swimming so much this summer, I wanted to have her take swimming classes this winter just to stay comfortable with the pool. The classes start this Saturday. They are a bit of a hassle, but Julia really enjoys them, so they are worth it.

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