Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Julia has really had a language explosion over the course of the last 2 months or so. Multiple new words daily. More and more sentences. And not just simple sentences anymore, she is moving to complex sentences!!! Just constant jabbering...

The other night DH was changing cat litter, Julia and I were in the living room. She saw where DH went then looked at me and said "I go where dad go" before taking off after him.

Also, multiple times a day, Julia will look at one of us and jabber a sentence over and over. She obviously knows what she is saying, but because she is still working on her annunciation, we don't always understand what she is trying to say. She is so proud of herself for talking in sentences, but gets so frustrated when we don't understand her.

She is also fascinated by big trucks. Every time she sees one or hears one it is "big truck". She also knows what a bus is too and will say "bus" when we pass one. Monday morning the garbage truck came by as I was dressing Julia. She saw it out her window and she stood there the entire time it collected the trash watching it and saying "big truck"! We could not continue getting dressed until the "big truck" finished and drove away. Some parent at daycare drives a Hummer, and every time Julia sees it she makes sure I know it is a "big truck"!

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