Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rashy feet

Late Monday afternoon, soon after we got home from daycare, I noticed that Julia was walking kind of funny and that her one foot was bothering her. I asked her if her shoe hurt and she said yes, so I took it off. Found that she had a piece of wood mulch (from playing outside at daycare), stuck in her shoe. I noticed that her foot was a little red and irritated where the mulch was, but figured it would go way.

Yesterday evening Julia took her shoes off and I noticed Julia now had a rash on the bottoms of both of her feet. Thought it was a little odd, but Julia has always had sensitive skin and occasionally gets rashes. So I did not think too much of it, but made a mental note to keep an eye on it.

Well, this morning morning when I got her dressed the rash was much worse. The bottoms of her feet are covered in a red, bumpy rash. Luckily, it does not seem to bother Julia at all. I remembered that Stacey, my littlest sister, had something very similar when she was about Julia's age and it was determined that her feet were sweating so much that it was causing her feet to brake out. Mom cut all the feet off of her pj's and the problem slowly got better.

This makes complete sense! Jerrod has eczema and is also allergic to his own sweat. Julia has been wearing her Crocs a lot and they really make her feet sweat!! AND all of her new pj's (had to move to 24 month size about a month ago) are footed pj's. Her 18 month ones did not have feet in them. So combine the sweaty feet from the shoes with footed pj's that don't allow any airflow around her feet, presto, you get eczema on Julia's feet.

So today Julia went to daycare in socks and tennis shoes (which just barely fit!). Tonight I am going to have her sleep in just a onesie. I will then look to see if there is any improvement. I am also going to let Julia run around barefoot as much as possible, but we already do that a lot. Normally if Julia is in the house, her shoes are off. She takes after her daddy that way!

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