Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Potty Training?

No, I am not currently trying to potty train Julia, but I think the time is going to come sooner than I thought. I figured she would be closer to 2 before she showed signs that she was ready. But now, at 18 months, she is starting to show the signs.

If I ask her if pooped her pants, she will grab her diaper and shake her head yes.
If I say "lets go change your diaper" she will run to her room (where we change her diapers).
She is starting to wake up dry from naps and sometimes even in the mornings.
The other day she walked into the bathroom, pooped her diaper, then came out and asked to be changed.
Along with some other signs...

Now that she is in the Toddler Room at daycare, she will see the other kids using the potty all the time. I am hoping that this will encourage her even more.

I am thinking of buying a potty chair soon for her just so she gets used to it around and she can sit on it fully clothed. I will see what the next few weeks bring. Daycare said that they will start as soon as we tell them we are ready and starting at home, but they prefer to wait until the child is showing the signs of readiness. Although, they did say, they might sit her on the potty occasionally just to get her used to the idea.

I just cannot believe that it is time to start thinking about potty training already. But I guess my youngest sister was potty trained about at this age, so it is not totally unusual. I just hope it goes smoothly.

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