Monday, October 8, 2012

Getting a routine

We are slowly getting into a routine with me now working.  We are lucky enough to have Debbie (and Jerry) watching the kids for us right now.  I know that is the reason the kids and I are having an easier time adjusting to this major change.  I thought Jude would be the one that had the hardest time with me going back to work since I have never worked since he has been born and he is a real Mama's boy.  He always cried and got upset when I would leave him.  Well, he has no problem at all with me working and Mimi watching him!  Julia, on the other hand had a little harder time with adjusting.  I did not think she would have a problem since she is older and can understand, but those first couple of days were hard on her.  She loves having her grandparents watching her and says she likes Mommy working, but she was pretty emotional those first couple of days.  She takes after her Daddy and does not deal with change well.

I love having Debbie watch the kids.  Not only do I know the kids are in great hands and don't have to worry about them while I am at work, I am amazed to what I come home to.  When I get home, my house is clean, laundry is done and occasionally supper is even in the oven!!  I asked Jerrod if this was what it was like for him when I was at home full-time.  He response was "Yea, it is pretty sweet, huh?"!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Thanks, Susan. It was always so much easier when my mom kept the kids. I knew that they were in good hands. It took away a lot of the worry. I am glad that I can pass it on.