Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Childhood injuries

I used to think that my siblings and I got hurt so much as kids because we lived on a farm and there are so many things to injury yourself on. I changed my mind! After seeing how much my kids get hurt and my nieces and nephews get hurt, none of which live on a farm, I have decided that living on a farm has NOTHING to do with how often a kid gets injured!

It does not take farm machinery and animals and the like for kids to be constantly hurting themselves. I mean, my house is pretty child-proof and they STILL manage to injury themselves.

Julia's nose is hurting her today and the lump/knot is back. Pretty sure we are going to end up at an ENT to fix it. Giving her Motrin and icing it frequently.

Today's injury----- Jude shut the van door on his finger. Motrin and ice for him too!

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