Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sippy cup and water

A couple weeks ago Jude began grabbing Julia's sippy cups and trying to drink out of them. So we decided to let him have his own sippy cup of water.

He likes the sippy cup, knows how to use it, but just does not like the water in it. Every time he swallows some, he gets a look on his face that you can just tell he is not liking the water. I think it is because he expects it to be breastmilk. That is the only liquid he has had up until now, so he thinks that is what should be in his sippy cup.

He knows how to use a sippy cup, so I am not going to push the issue. When gets to about a year old, I start adding small amounts of whole cow's milk. But until then, he will just deal with water. He enjoys playing the the sippy cup more than drinking from it anyhow.

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