Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Four month check-up

Jude had his four month check-up today. The pedi was very pleased with Jude's progress. Not only is he over the colic; he is doing many things earlier than she would have expected (like already saying mama and wanting to stand and sit.).

He weighed 14lbs, 8oz; 26" long and had a head circumference of 17". I was a little concerned about his weight. That was quite a drop off in weight gain. He was above the 75th percentile for weight, now he is below the 50th percentile. The pedi said she was not worried. His head circumference stayed on the same curve (around the 75th), and apparently that is what is really important. She said she can see just how active Jude is and how he is moving constantly. That is the main reason for the low weight gain; he is just burning through so many calories with all the wiggling he does.

She was sad to see that he is so rashy, but she knows Julia was the same way and that my babies just have really sensitive skin. While his head is looking much better, I just cannot get to to clear up all the way. Not to mention the minor rashes he gets all over his body all the time. After telling her everything I am doing for the rashes, she was impressed and said I am doing what was needed for the rashes. The only thing she suggested was using some diluted vinegar water occasionally, which I have done on rare occasions.

She was also pleased to hear that I was using Tea Tree Oil in his wipe solution. Since she is big into homeopathic treatments, she was pleased to hear of all the homeopathic things I am already doing.

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