Thursday, May 7, 2009

29 week appointment

Had an appointment with my midwife this afternoon. Everything still looks great. Jude is still measuring big. The midwife confirmed that all the minor issues I am having are completely normal for this stage of pregnancy, even though I never had them with Julia. Although, I find it a bit disturbing that every time I sneeze, a few drops of pee leak out!! But still completely normal! I also had my second sugar test today. Because I have several risk factors for developing gestational diabetes, my midwife wanted to play if safe and test me twice during this pregnancy (she did the same thing with Julia's pregnancy). Luckily, I have never had an issue with my sugar levels.

Since the sugar test takes so long and I had Julia with me, I thought I needed some help at this appointment keeping Julia entertained. Jerrod could not take off work, so I asked his mom to come along, since the appointment was after school. Imagine my surprise when Debbie AND Jerry showed up. Apparently Jerry got home early from work. So all four of us went to the appointment. I knew Jerry would be excited to hear the baby's heartbeat too, so I shrugged off what little embarrassment I had about talking about my incontinence in front of him and he seeing my belly full of stretch marks, and had them all come in the room with me. I guess it is true that you lose all modesty once you become a parent!!LOL Jerry never got to hear the heartbeat of his own kids, so I think he got a kick out of hearing his grandson's. He was quite fascinated by all the measurements and other stuff the midwife did.

Before the midwife walked in Julia was laying on the table saying the dr. was going to listen to Baby Jude in her belly. So when the midwife asked her if she wanted her to listen to her belly Julia agreed, UNTIL the midwife turned the doppler on and started for her belly (she was just going to have Julia listen to her own heartbeat). Then Julia got scared and changed her mind.

Since I had just drank that super sugary drink for the sugar test, the midwife had to chase down the baby to find his heartbeat. But it was loud and strong once she did. I am now on 2 week appointments! I cannot believe I am in the 3rd trimester and this baby will be here before I know it!

I think Jerrod's parent's coming to this appointment made them understand why I go to a midwife and not a regular OB. I know they were really skeptical when I first told them about it when we were first trying to get pregnant. They accepted it, but I really think they just thought that is was just one of those crazy things I do that they don't understand. They both said today they see why I like the midwives so much better than a regular OB.

Oh, the midwife DID NOT like the fact that I was still mowing grass; 2.5 hours with a non-selfpropelled mower was just too much in her opinion for a hugely pregnant woman to be doing. She agreed to continue to allow me to do it as long as I broke it up into 2 or 3 chunks of time and took a break if I started noticing pain or Braxtin Hicks contractions. Sure mowing grass is hard work, but it is also good exercise. I have only gained about 6 pounds this pregnancy so far and I want to stay on that track and not gain a lot. With Julia I only gained about 18 pounds and had lost that all within a week of having her. Since I am bigger to begin with, I don't need to gain all that extra weight!

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