Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Raising a giant

My baby girl turned FIVE 2 weeks ago. I am not sure how it is possible that she is five, but somehow it happened.

I took her to the doctor's yesterday for her 5 year check-up and to get the rest of the shots she needed to be able to enroll in kindergarten in the fall.

She weighed 47 pounds and was 47 inches tall. That put her way off the top of the charts for height and at the top of the charts for weight. I think I am raising a giant! The dr. was not concerned since she is proportional. I am tall and I come from a family that is really tall, so the height was not unexpected.

I looked at her record book and saw that she grew FIVE INCHES in the past year!! She also got 3 vaccinations. I think people in the next county heard her scream, but she recovered fine and got ice cream on the way home.

Friday, January 6, 2012

My first hand embroidery projects

As most of you know, I love to crochet and do other crafts. I saw something on Pinterest that I really wanted to do. It was embroidery outlines of all the hands of our household (parents and kids). I really wanted to do this, but I have never embroidered before. I have quilted and done cross-stitch, so I figured I could pick it up pretty easily. Before I did the handprints, I thought I should do a practice piece or two. I found a small embroidery kit on clearance at Jo-Ann's and also pick-up a book on embroidery that had the stitch explanations and patterns.

I finished the small kit and on larger pattern out of the book. The larger pattern is about 5x7. They are not the best, but I am still pleased. I don't think I will do anything with the larger project, but it was great practice.

The smaller kit:

The larger project:

I am now starting on the handprints. I am really liking how they are turning out. I will post a picture when I am finished.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My babies!

WOW! Posting three days in a row!

Today is once again just going to be a short picture post. Two pictures of my babies. They are growing up so fast!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just chillin'

I walked into Jude's room one day to find this:

I guess he was comfortable!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2012!! I hope I will be better about blogging this year! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!