She did great the entire class! She went underwater, she floated, she jumped in, she laid the sides of her head in the water, etc.. Only once did I see her cry, but I think it was because they made her hold hands with a boy! Boys are icky, don't you know?LOL The teacher was impressed and said she did really well.
Oh, several times the teacher had to carry the 3 girls in the class through water too deep for them to walk in. So she had them all wrap their arms around each other so they were all connected and carried them that way. It was so cute....
Waiting with one of her teachers for the class to start.
Waiting her turn to float
Playing and singing
The teacher giving Julia a High-five because she went underwater all by herself.
Doing another activity
Julia's favorite part of swimming classes, the Froggy Slide!! I think she went down it 3 or 4 times. The teacher finally had to tell her that she was done and needed to go to her mommy!
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