The festivities started on Saturday with an Easter Egg hunt at the County park, Julia's first ever egg hunt. They had live bunnies there for the kids to pet and hold. When we first went up to the bunnies, she liked them, but did not want to touch them, she just wanted to watch them. Then about 15-20 minutes later when everyone else went off to watch the puppet show, we walked over to the bunnies again. She really liked them, but was still not too sure about them. Then a little boy about her age held one and he really liked it, so Julia decided it must not be too bad and actually wanted to hold one!!!
Here she is with "Romeo", a dwarf bunny.
She actually held Romeo for a bit. She really liked him and kept petting him.
Then came the egg hunt! Her Aunt Ninnie helped her since mommy's pregnant belly is starting to get in the way of bending! She actually did really well!!
Showing off the eggs she found with Aunt Ninnie. You can see just how excited she was!
After that egg hunt, it was off to change clothes and drive to my Grandpa's house for supper. Julia fell asleep in the van and was not happy about being woken up only 30 minutes into her nap!
Here she is on Daddy's lap trying to wake up (she takes after her mommy and takes awhile to wake up.)
They had an egg hunt at Grandpa's house for the 4 great-grandkids. So Julia got to do TWO egg hunts in one day! She was excited and really knew what to do the second time around!
Here she found one on the bush, but did not want to step in the mud to get it! Silly girl!
She decided to find the ones in the grass instead...
Checking out what is inside each egg, MONEY in this one!
Having Aunt Stacey help her inspect all of her eggs.
Eating her candy on Daddy's lap.
An attempt at getting all 5 great-grankids with their great-grandpa. Julia did not want to sit for the picture, she wanted to go find more candy.
Easter morning checking out our Easter basket. When we showed it to her and said that the Easter Bunny came, she was pretty confused, but thought it was neat anyway....
"Is this chocolate in here?"
"It IS chocolate!!" FYI, she got craft supplies in her basket; foam shapes, pom poms, safety scissors, glue, etc.. and of course, candy!
After a morning of too much chocolate, we went to Jerrod's family lunch and then to my Grandma's for an open house-type thing. Julia got NO nap, but still did GREAT! She just ran around and laughed and played. She also had a steady stream of candy all day! She thinks Easter is GREAT fun!
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