He has been getting tremors/shakes occasionally when he wakes up. It looks like he is shivering, but he is not cold. He also gets night terrors. Julia also got/gets night terrors, so they did not concern me, but the tremors did. Discussed it with the dr. at Jude's 18 month check-up. The tremors did not concern her too much until she realized he also gets night terrors. Having both concerned her some, enough that she ordered an EEG just to make sure nothing neurological is going on.
Jude had an appointment at Children's Hospital today to have the EEG put on. They attached about 30 or so wires to his head! All the wires attached to a device that they attached to the top of his head. From that device, a bigger wire snaked down into a backpack Jude has to wear that contains the recording device and battery pack.
Jude screamed and was MAD while the lady was messing with his head and attaching the wires. After she wrapped him in gauze and taped him up, he was fine. He even was okay with the arm splints she put on him to prevent him from pulling on the wires. He was even smiling as we left.
We go back tomorrow for them to remove all the wires.
Of course, I had to take pictures.....
Right after she finished. Notice how red his cheeks are from screaming.
That was not so bad mom!
Although, I am top-heavy now and it is hard to hold my head up!
Still my happy boy!
Jude was more bothered by wearing the backpack, than he was by all the stuff on his head!
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