Took Jude to his 18 month check-up on Friday. He was still getting over a cold too.
He was 34" long, which puts him at the top of the chart. He weighed 27 pounds, which is about the 70th percentile. I really think he weighs more normally, but he had not been eating really well for a couple days before the appointment because of his cold. He obviously gets his height from my family. I have a feeling he is going to be tall like my dad and brother.
The pedi checked him over and said he had a mild inner ear infection, but since the cold was getting better, she was not going to treat it and let it clear up on it's own. Since he was still slightly sick, she decided not to give vaccinations then. We will have to come back for them when he is healthy.
The pedi just could not believe just how happy and active Jude is.
We then talked about the couple of concerns I had. Occasionally when Jude wakes up he will have "tremors". I don't know how else to describe them. It looks like he is shivering, but he is not cold. They will last 10-15 minutes. The pedi thought about just watching it for a month, but then seen in his chart that he gets night terrors. I told her he is currently going through another batch of night terrors. Every night between 10-midnight, he will wake up crying, sometimes screaming. He will go back to sleep without me having to go comfort him. Julia got night terrors (and still occasionally does), so I was not concerned. Normally the pedi would not be concerned about them either, but since he is getting night terrors AND has "tremors", she is worried about something neurological going on. So she is referring us to a specialist at the Children's Hospital to have an EEG done.
I also explained that his speech was concerning us some. He was speaking full sentences at a year old, but he has not really progressed any since then. Julia was talking up a storm by this age. I know it could be because Julia was ahead, he is a boy, and he is the second child. But I thought I would mention it anyway. The pedi was a little concerned about the lack of progression, so she ordered a speech and hearing evaluation to be done. That way if there is a problem, intervention can be started early.
So not as good as a visit that I hoped for, but I am glad my pedi is being pro-active. Jerrod and I are worried about something being wrong. It is probably nothing and the tests will come back fine, but it is still nerve-racking to think something might be wrong with our kid.