After lunch, Jude went down for a nap and Julia and I went out fishing. This was Julia's first time fishing.
She helped Uncle Bill dig up some worms for bait. She loved holding the can of worms, and just watching them.
We then gave her a fishing pole and tried teaching her how to fish. She thought it was fun.
Unfortunately it was too hot and the wrong time of the day for fishing. Uncle Bill caught 2 or 3, but Julia and I only got a few nibbles. After an hour, Julia had enough fishing and we went off on a new adventure!
We picked strawberries!
I don't know why this picture is sideways, but I love how it has her squatted down looking for strawberries.
We got a big bowl full! (My mom also picked herself a bowl of them.)
We then worked some more in the garden. We weeded and planted some more sweet corn.
You can see behind her all the veggies she helped plant about a month ago.
We came in the house occasionally to cool off and eat popsicles!
Jude finally woke up from his nap and played for a bit before we left. He thought the rocking horse was great fun!
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