I forgot her ladybug arm float, but they had this life jacket there that Julia used instead.
Jumping to her Aunt Ninnie!
Jude napped for most of the pool time, but woke up as we were wrapping up. Since I forgot to bring the sunscreen, and the pool water was still a little chilly, we only put Jude in the pool for 5-10 minutes. He LOVED it though!!
Trying to get a picture of the two of them together in the pool was HARD!
Julia did not realize that the "boat" could not hold her weight while Jude was in it! She about flipped him a couple of times!
Julia finally figured out she did not need to hold on to anything to swim while wearing the life jacket. Then she swam all over the pool.
Jude had a bath right before his nap, so I did not want to give him another one after swimming, but I still wanted to rinse the pool water off of him. So I plopped him in the kitchen sink and used the sprayer to rinse him off. He thought it was a hoot!
We are going to go up swimming again on Sunday. Julia cannot wait!