Julia saw the snow Friday morning and got all excited. She said she wanted to build a snowman. We ate breakfast and the next thing I know, she is coming out of her bedroom wearing her snowsuit and snow boots! She was not playing around when she said she wanted to go out and play in the snow. I made her wait until after lunch and Jude was taking his afternoon nap.
It was really wet snow, so it worked well for building a snowman. Julia helped build it and told me I had to get a carrot for it's nose. So I ran into the house for a carrot. Once the nose was on, she told me we needed something for his eyes. I ended up using grapes for his eyes. I wanted something I would not have to worry about picking back up out of the yard.
Julia thought the snowman building was fun!
Of course, she also had to make snow angels!
Typical of Ohio, all the snow is melted already today and the snowman is gone. At least she had fun.
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