Julia has started to finally (mostly) sit still for movies when we watch them at home. She is also really into Dragons right now. So with the new movie "How To Train Your Dragon" just out, we thought it was a perfect time to take Julia to a movie in a theater for the first time. Jerrod got this afternoon off because he went in at 2am one day last week, so we took her to a matinee this afternoon. Jerry and Debbie watched Jude.
Julia did great! She got really antsy towards that end and had to use the restroom once during the movie, but still, a great job for the first time. Part of the antsy problem was our fault. We got to the movie theater too early and we had to wait 20 minutes before the movie started. So by the end of the movie, she had been sitting there for over 2 hours, that is just too long for her to sit still.
She also really enjoyed the popcorn! We got a big bucket and all three of us shared. We also shared one big Sprite, which she drank a lot of (hence the restroom visit in the middle of the movie). She even asked halfway through the movie if we could get more popcorn!
We brought her Blankie along just in case she got scared and needed it. She did fine, but we did notice there were a few times she covered her face.
As soon as the movie was over and we were walking out she said "That was FUN!". I think we will be doing this more often.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Easter eggs!
Ice cream trip in jammies
The last time Julia spent the night at Mimi and Bapa's they went for ice cream after Julia already had her jammies on for the night. So yesterday she requested to get "ice cream in my jammies".
Since the frozen custard place just re-opened for the summer, I thought we would try it out. We have lived here 10 years and have never gotten ice cream from this place, even though everyone I talk to raves about the place.
So last night after supper and the kids were in their pajamas for the night, we all piled in the van and went for ice cream. Julia loved it! Jude even got his own tiny cup of vanilla. Everyone but me liked it. I just did not care for the taste. BUT it was the adventure that counted!
Since the frozen custard place just re-opened for the summer, I thought we would try it out. We have lived here 10 years and have never gotten ice cream from this place, even though everyone I talk to raves about the place.
So last night after supper and the kids were in their pajamas for the night, we all piled in the van and went for ice cream. Julia loved it! Jude even got his own tiny cup of vanilla. Everyone but me liked it. I just did not care for the taste. BUT it was the adventure that counted!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Top teeth
Jude's second top tooth finally broke through last week. That second one really caused him problems. I think he got a minor sore on his gum as it was breaking through and it caused him quite a bit of pain. But it is finally through and he is not fussing about it anymore.
He now has four teeth, two bottom and two top. Julia did not get any until she was just shy of a year old.
His top teeth, however, look HUGE! I will have to wait to see what they look like as they continue to grow, but right now they just look so big. It reminds me of what my brother's front teeth looked like as a kid. They looked like Chiclets!
He now has four teeth, two bottom and two top. Julia did not get any until she was just shy of a year old.
His top teeth, however, look HUGE! I will have to wait to see what they look like as they continue to grow, but right now they just look so big. It reminds me of what my brother's front teeth looked like as a kid. They looked like Chiclets!
Object permanence
Sometime in the last couple of months Jude has developed object permanence. I don't really know when it happened, I just remember that when I try to hide something, Jude tries to find it.
I know this is a good milestone to hit, but it does make things more difficult when you have a very determined child. When Jude wants something, no about of hiding or re-directing will work. He is very determined to get what he is after. This really frustrates him since he is not crawling yet and cannot always get to where he wants to go.
I know this is a good milestone to hit, but it does make things more difficult when you have a very determined child. When Jude wants something, no about of hiding or re-directing will work. He is very determined to get what he is after. This really frustrates him since he is not crawling yet and cannot always get to where he wants to go.
Sippy cup and water
A couple weeks ago Jude began grabbing Julia's sippy cups and trying to drink out of them. So we decided to let him have his own sippy cup of water.
He likes the sippy cup, knows how to use it, but just does not like the water in it. Every time he swallows some, he gets a look on his face that you can just tell he is not liking the water. I think it is because he expects it to be breastmilk. That is the only liquid he has had up until now, so he thinks that is what should be in his sippy cup.
He knows how to use a sippy cup, so I am not going to push the issue. When gets to about a year old, I start adding small amounts of whole cow's milk. But until then, he will just deal with water. He enjoys playing the the sippy cup more than drinking from it anyhow.
He likes the sippy cup, knows how to use it, but just does not like the water in it. Every time he swallows some, he gets a look on his face that you can just tell he is not liking the water. I think it is because he expects it to be breastmilk. That is the only liquid he has had up until now, so he thinks that is what should be in his sippy cup.
He knows how to use a sippy cup, so I am not going to push the issue. When gets to about a year old, I start adding small amounts of whole cow's milk. But until then, he will just deal with water. He enjoys playing the the sippy cup more than drinking from it anyhow.
Scratchy Daddy
Jerrod normally has a goatee. However, every Spring he will shave it off for a few months before growing it back again.
Last week he shaved it off. This is the conversation Julia had with him once she saw him:
Julia - "Where did the hair on your face go, daddy?"
Jerrod - "Daddy shaved it all off."
Julia - "Why?"
Jerrod - "Well, I like to occasionally shave it all off. Besides, your mommy likes daddy with a smooth face."
Julia - "You need to put your hair back on your face."
Jerrod - "Why? Don't you like daddy's smooth face? Mommy likes daddy's face smooth."
Julia - "I like you scratchy. Put your hair back on your face!"
Jerrod - "You want daddy to grow it back?"
Julia - "YES! You look like mommy now!"
This continued on for a few more minutes. Julia was VERY adamant that he needed to put the hair back on his face!
For the rest of the week, Julia talked about how she liked daddy scratchy, that he needed to put the hair back on his face and that he looked like mommy without his goatee. LOL
Needless to say, Jerrod is currently growing back his goatee.
Last week he shaved it off. This is the conversation Julia had with him once she saw him:
Julia - "Where did the hair on your face go, daddy?"
Jerrod - "Daddy shaved it all off."
Julia - "Why?"
Jerrod - "Well, I like to occasionally shave it all off. Besides, your mommy likes daddy with a smooth face."
Julia - "You need to put your hair back on your face."
Jerrod - "Why? Don't you like daddy's smooth face? Mommy likes daddy's face smooth."
Julia - "I like you scratchy. Put your hair back on your face!"
Jerrod - "You want daddy to grow it back?"
Julia - "YES! You look like mommy now!"
This continued on for a few more minutes. Julia was VERY adamant that he needed to put the hair back on his face!
For the rest of the week, Julia talked about how she liked daddy scratchy, that he needed to put the hair back on his face and that he looked like mommy without his goatee. LOL
Needless to say, Jerrod is currently growing back his goatee.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Crazy weather
We had some crazy, typical Ohio weather this week. It was in the mid-fifties on Thursday and Friday morning we woke up to about two inches of snow! Now today it is in the mid-fifties again! That is Ohio weather for you!
Julia saw the snow Friday morning and got all excited. She said she wanted to build a snowman. We ate breakfast and the next thing I know, she is coming out of her bedroom wearing her snowsuit and snow boots! She was not playing around when she said she wanted to go out and play in the snow. I made her wait until after lunch and Jude was taking his afternoon nap.
It was really wet snow, so it worked well for building a snowman. Julia helped build it and told me I had to get a carrot for it's nose. So I ran into the house for a carrot. Once the nose was on, she told me we needed something for his eyes. I ended up using grapes for his eyes. I wanted something I would not have to worry about picking back up out of the yard.
Julia thought the snowman building was fun!

Of course, she also had to make snow angels!

Typical of Ohio, all the snow is melted already today and the snowman is gone. At least she had fun.
Julia saw the snow Friday morning and got all excited. She said she wanted to build a snowman. We ate breakfast and the next thing I know, she is coming out of her bedroom wearing her snowsuit and snow boots! She was not playing around when she said she wanted to go out and play in the snow. I made her wait until after lunch and Jude was taking his afternoon nap.
It was really wet snow, so it worked well for building a snowman. Julia helped build it and told me I had to get a carrot for it's nose. So I ran into the house for a carrot. Once the nose was on, she told me we needed something for his eyes. I ended up using grapes for his eyes. I wanted something I would not have to worry about picking back up out of the yard.
Julia thought the snowman building was fun!
Of course, she also had to make snow angels!
Typical of Ohio, all the snow is melted already today and the snowman is gone. At least she had fun.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Easter Bunny picture
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Easter Bunny
Took the kids to the mall to see the Easter Bunny today. I told Julia where we were going about an hour before we left and she started bouncing up and down she was so excited!
Last year Julia would not even get near the Bunny. Only wanted to look at him from afar. This year she walked right up to him and shook his hand (paw?). She was still a little concerned about sitting on his lap. I am sure she would have been fine if I put her there, but she was happy to climb up on the bench and sit next to him, so I did not push the lap (the Bunny sits on a bench, not a chair).
Of course Jude was is typical self, just as happy as could be and did not care one bit that I was sticking him on the lap of a big fluffy bunny. He just smiled and enjoyed the cuddle.
The picture turned out great, I would post it here, but I am sure it is copyrighted and that would be illegal.
Easter is going to be fun this year. Julia talks all about easter eggs, getting candy, etc...
Last year Julia would not even get near the Bunny. Only wanted to look at him from afar. This year she walked right up to him and shook his hand (paw?). She was still a little concerned about sitting on his lap. I am sure she would have been fine if I put her there, but she was happy to climb up on the bench and sit next to him, so I did not push the lap (the Bunny sits on a bench, not a chair).
Of course Jude was is typical self, just as happy as could be and did not care one bit that I was sticking him on the lap of a big fluffy bunny. He just smiled and enjoyed the cuddle.
The picture turned out great, I would post it here, but I am sure it is copyrighted and that would be illegal.
Easter is going to be fun this year. Julia talks all about easter eggs, getting candy, etc...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Getting his toys...
More words.
Jude has been saying "mama" for MONTHS now, but it was always when he was crying. Finally in the last two weeks he actually saying it when he is happy. He has also started saying "dad" and "ba" (Bap or Bappa is what Julia called Jerry, so that is what Jude is trying to say). So that brings his total word count to about six words. Not bad for a seven month old baby!
Jude is also saying a lot of consonants, not actual words, but the consonants. I think more words are just around the corner.
Jude is also saying a lot of consonants, not actual words, but the consonants. I think more words are just around the corner.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
First signs of Spring
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Bald Eagle's nest practically in my backyard!
I noticed a lot of increased traffic on our road in the last two weeks. Finally drove the other way down our road yesterday and saw all kinds of signs about bald eagle watching. This was only about 1/2 mile from my house. It was down the big hill, which is why I could not see it from my house. (We live right next to a huge county park)
So today since it was so nice out, I loaded the kids in the stroller and we walked down the hill to see what exactly was going on. From what the other birdwatchers there told me is that the juvenile pair of eagles that was spotted in the park last year came back and built a nest this year. The nest was pretty far away to see the birds real well without binoculars. I zoomed my camera as far as I could and took some pictures. I think if I go out on our bedroom balcony (which is upstairs), we might be able to see the nest from there, I just have not checked yet.
These are the best pictures I could get. And I had some serious zoom to get these.

At first Julia mis-understood me and thought we were going to see the "seagulls". She talked about see the eagles all evening. Although, I think she enjoyed the stroller ride more than anything else! I know Jude did....

So today since it was so nice out, I loaded the kids in the stroller and we walked down the hill to see what exactly was going on. From what the other birdwatchers there told me is that the juvenile pair of eagles that was spotted in the park last year came back and built a nest this year. The nest was pretty far away to see the birds real well without binoculars. I zoomed my camera as far as I could and took some pictures. I think if I go out on our bedroom balcony (which is upstairs), we might be able to see the nest from there, I just have not checked yet.
These are the best pictures I could get. And I had some serious zoom to get these.
At first Julia mis-understood me and thought we were going to see the "seagulls". She talked about see the eagles all evening. Although, I think she enjoyed the stroller ride more than anything else! I know Jude did....
Monday, March 15, 2010
Fall down the stairs
Julia took a few years off my life yesterday. She went head over heels ALL the way down the basement steps.
I went downstairs to switch out laundry, Julia heard me down there and wanted to come help, something she does all the time. She was eating some yogurt and was telling DH that she was going to come help me, so I don't think she was paying attention to what she was during. I am not sure if she missed the first step, or what happened. I heard the first "thunk" and turned to see her basically come rolling down the steps. I was too far away to catch her before she landed on the floor. She mostly landed on her knees/legs, but her momentum carried her enough, that her forehead made contact with the floor too. Luckily, the basement steps are carpeted and the stair landing was wood and NOT the cement the rest of the basement is!
Assessed her to make sure nothing was broke and everything worked. She bumped her knee, nose and forehead. We held her and gave her some Motrin to help with the pain. Within 20 minutes she was fast asleep! It was 7:30pm and she played hard that day, but I did not know if she was just wore out or she was sleepy from a head injury. So I woke her up every 30 minutes or so for the next couple of hours and asked her a few questions just to make sure she did not have a concussion. Although, I really did not think she hit her head that hard.
Today she was just fine, was not even sore! Her nose was a little banged up, but that was it! I swear, kids are make of rubber! If that would have been me, I would be in the hospital.
So I probably sprouted a few gray hairs and had several years taken off my life, but Julia is no worse for wear...
I went downstairs to switch out laundry, Julia heard me down there and wanted to come help, something she does all the time. She was eating some yogurt and was telling DH that she was going to come help me, so I don't think she was paying attention to what she was during. I am not sure if she missed the first step, or what happened. I heard the first "thunk" and turned to see her basically come rolling down the steps. I was too far away to catch her before she landed on the floor. She mostly landed on her knees/legs, but her momentum carried her enough, that her forehead made contact with the floor too. Luckily, the basement steps are carpeted and the stair landing was wood and NOT the cement the rest of the basement is!
Assessed her to make sure nothing was broke and everything worked. She bumped her knee, nose and forehead. We held her and gave her some Motrin to help with the pain. Within 20 minutes she was fast asleep! It was 7:30pm and she played hard that day, but I did not know if she was just wore out or she was sleepy from a head injury. So I woke her up every 30 minutes or so for the next couple of hours and asked her a few questions just to make sure she did not have a concussion. Although, I really did not think she hit her head that hard.
Today she was just fine, was not even sore! Her nose was a little banged up, but that was it! I swear, kids are make of rubber! If that would have been me, I would be in the hospital.
So I probably sprouted a few gray hairs and had several years taken off my life, but Julia is no worse for wear...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My boys...
Friday, March 12, 2010
Goofy girl
For the past week, Julia has been trying to whistle. She is getting close, but she gets frustrated too fast and gives up.
Whistling is a hard thing to explain how to do. I'm sure she will figure it out soon. It is quite funny to watch her try though!
Whistling is a hard thing to explain how to do. I'm sure she will figure it out soon. It is quite funny to watch her try though!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
First figure drawing.....
Julia likes drawing on her easel. Normally she really likes to draw "cookies", which are basically circles with smaller circles inside them. Tonight she started drawing a cookie, only when I walked past her a few minutes later, she told me she drew a scary ghost.
When I looked, I saw that she actually drew a figure drawing, complete with arms, legs and even hands! This is the FIRST time she has ever drawn a figure person (or ghost in this case)! I did not know she even knew how to draw a figure with arms and legs! I was so proud of her, that I made her hold it up while I took pictures of it. Yes, I know I am that mom....

I cannot tell if the ghost has three legs or if it has two legs and a tail!
When I looked, I saw that she actually drew a figure drawing, complete with arms, legs and even hands! This is the FIRST time she has ever drawn a figure person (or ghost in this case)! I did not know she even knew how to draw a figure with arms and legs! I was so proud of her, that I made her hold it up while I took pictures of it. Yes, I know I am that mom....
I cannot tell if the ghost has three legs or if it has two legs and a tail!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
In the sandbox!
Dragon-slaying cape...
I have mentioned here before that Julia likes playing dragon-slayer. Several weeks ago, she decided she needed a cape while dragon-slaying. So I took her to the fabric store with me and let her help pick out the fabric for her cape. She has also been helping sew this cape, so that is why it took so long to finish. BUT we finally finished it up last night! I made it big on purpose, this way she can wear it for quite a while.
She is very proud of this cape and the fact that she helped sew it!

She is very proud of this cape and the fact that she helped sew it!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Getting his own toys....
The baby toys are kept in two tubs that live under our coffee table.
Last night I put Jude on the floor in the living room while I went to make supper. I would occasionally pop my head out of the kitchen to keep an eye on him. At one point I see he has wiggled, scooted, and wormed his way over to the toy tubs. I walk into the living room and see that not only has he gotten over to the toy bins, but he had his hands in one rooting around and fishing out more toys. I guess the one I laid out for him were not want he wanted, so he decided to go get the toys he wanted!
What a little stinker!
Last night I put Jude on the floor in the living room while I went to make supper. I would occasionally pop my head out of the kitchen to keep an eye on him. At one point I see he has wiggled, scooted, and wormed his way over to the toy tubs. I walk into the living room and see that not only has he gotten over to the toy bins, but he had his hands in one rooting around and fishing out more toys. I guess the one I laid out for him were not want he wanted, so he decided to go get the toys he wanted!
What a little stinker!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tea party
Jerrod's parents stopped over after swimming lessons on Saturday. At one point we realized that Jerry and Julia had been really quiet in her room for awhile. So we went to see what was up.
I guess Julia thought it was time for a tea party in her bed! Bappa and Gavin were the only guest invited!

Gavin really did enjoy the tea party too!

I guess Julia thought it was time for a tea party in her bed! Bappa and Gavin were the only guest invited!
Gavin really did enjoy the tea party too!
Julia has been starting to ask for earrings lately. Some of this has been prompted, but she also sees that Jerrod and I and about every girl she knows has "rings" in their ears. ("rings" are what she calls earrings.)
I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand, if she is asking for them, it is obvious that she sees others with them and wants some herself. On the other hand, I know I am going to be the one taking care of them and Julia still has sensitive skin. I just don't know how she will react to earrings. Then I am trying to decide if 3 is just too young or not. I know some people get it done when they are babies, but other had to wait until they were much older.
Jerrod think we should get them now, I am still unsure.
I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand, if she is asking for them, it is obvious that she sees others with them and wants some herself. On the other hand, I know I am going to be the one taking care of them and Julia still has sensitive skin. I just don't know how she will react to earrings. Then I am trying to decide if 3 is just too young or not. I know some people get it done when they are babies, but other had to wait until they were much older.
Jerrod think we should get them now, I am still unsure.
Our house is mostly all hardwood floors. The hardwood floors in the kitchen and hallway are much different and softer than the hardwood floors in the living room. Because of this, the floor in the kitchen and hallway tend to give off splinters on occasion. We have all been a victim of that floor and have received several splinters over the years.
Unfortunately, Julia has also picked up a few splinters from that floor as she runs around barefoot. She will now come up to us and tell us "I got a splinter". Most of the time it is barely in the skin and I can pull it right out, other times I have to hold her down to get it out.
Who know that the hardwood floors everyone loves so much about this house, would be so mean to a little girl!
Unfortunately, Julia has also picked up a few splinters from that floor as she runs around barefoot. She will now come up to us and tell us "I got a splinter". Most of the time it is barely in the skin and I can pull it right out, other times I have to hold her down to get it out.
Who know that the hardwood floors everyone loves so much about this house, would be so mean to a little girl!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
One cool dude!
We got out the baby walker thingy this week. It is basically a walker that is attached to the center podium, so the baby can only walk around in circles and not hurt themselves. My pedi hates all walker/jumpers/etc.. because of something about hanging from their hips. I am not a big fan of them, but think they are okay in moderation. A couple 15-20 minutes stints per day in one will not hurt the kid any. You just cannot expect to leave the baby in it for hours on end.
Julia thought this walker thing was okay, but did not love it.
Jude, on the other hand, LOVES, LOVES this thing! He gets so excited when he is in it! He bangs on the little piano and is constantly grunting and talking while in it.
I snapped a few pictures of his first time in it and you can see just how much he loves it. You can also see just how much of a charmer he is too!!

Julia thought this walker thing was okay, but did not love it.
Jude, on the other hand, LOVES, LOVES this thing! He gets so excited when he is in it! He bangs on the little piano and is constantly grunting and talking while in it.
I snapped a few pictures of his first time in it and you can see just how much he loves it. You can also see just how much of a charmer he is too!!
Here kitty, kitty.....
Julia likes to go fishing for cats. She made up with game and plays it frequently. I think the cats like the game too.
Julia will get a shoestring or any other long piece of string. She will walk around the house dragging the string behind her saying "Here kitty, kitty...". She is hoping on of the cats will pounce on the string. Once they do, she tries to get the string away from them and then the game starts all over again.
It is funny to watch and it keeps her and the cats occupied!
Julia will get a shoestring or any other long piece of string. She will walk around the house dragging the string behind her saying "Here kitty, kitty...". She is hoping on of the cats will pounce on the string. Once they do, she tries to get the string away from them and then the game starts all over again.
It is funny to watch and it keeps her and the cats occupied!
On all fours
My baby is growing up too fast! I think crawling is just around the corner. In the last two weeks, Jude has started to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. He has not figured out yet how to crawl, but I am sure it is not long now. Right now, he gets up on all fours and then sort of slides backwards.
Between sliding, rolling and spinning, Jude can really get around. AND it is only going to get worse! I am not ready for him to that mobile yet.
Between sliding, rolling and spinning, Jude can really get around. AND it is only going to get worse! I am not ready for him to that mobile yet.
"Sing me a lullaby"
For the last two weeks, this is what I hear after I tuck Julia into bed. "Sing me a lullaby". I don't know where this comes from and why she wants a lullaby sung to her now.
So I sing her "Hush Little Baby". Unfortunately, I only know two verses of that song. Of course, she wants a longer lullaby than that, so I end up just making up lullaby songs. She thinks they are great and I don't have to worry about remembering the words, since I am making them up on the spot!LOL
I do think I need to do a little research and find a couple lullaby songs I can sing to her.
So I sing her "Hush Little Baby". Unfortunately, I only know two verses of that song. Of course, she wants a longer lullaby than that, so I end up just making up lullaby songs. She thinks they are great and I don't have to worry about remembering the words, since I am making them up on the spot!LOL
I do think I need to do a little research and find a couple lullaby songs I can sing to her.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Pacifier and thumb sucking
Jude never liked the pacifier. I could get him to take it maybe 15% of the times I offered it. I finally just stopped offering it. I cannot remember the last time he even had a pacifier. It has been at least two months or more. I am glad he never got hooked on it. Besides, once he got over his colic, he hardly ever needed it. If he was crying it was because he was hungry, tired or needed his diaper changed. If those three things are taking care of, he was/is a happy boy.
From very early on, I noticed that Jude was sucking/chewing on his thumb and hand. He never became a full blown thumb-sucking, but he still did it occasionally. Well, now I think he has taken it up a notch and has officially become a thumb sucker! I started noticing his thumb in his mouth a lot more often about 2 months ago when we was teething. I just figured it was because he was teething. Ever since then, his thumb is in his mouth more and more. It is now quite common to find him sucking or chewing on his thumb.
It is quite cute to see, I just hope it does not become a bad habit we have to brake a few years down the road.
From very early on, I noticed that Jude was sucking/chewing on his thumb and hand. He never became a full blown thumb-sucking, but he still did it occasionally. Well, now I think he has taken it up a notch and has officially become a thumb sucker! I started noticing his thumb in his mouth a lot more often about 2 months ago when we was teething. I just figured it was because he was teething. Ever since then, his thumb is in his mouth more and more. It is now quite common to find him sucking or chewing on his thumb.
It is quite cute to see, I just hope it does not become a bad habit we have to brake a few years down the road.
Julia loves our bed and is always wanting to sleep with us. Every now and then, we will indulge her and let her sleep with us. We normally only allow this on the weekends when Jerrod does not need to get up early for work the next morning, because it is not quite restful with Julia sleeping in our bed.
So two weeks ago Jerrod kept telling Julia that we would have a sleepover on that Saturday night. I even got out one of her small pillows to put in bed with us. She LOVED it. She was wore out enough from all the days events that she actually went to sleep fairly easily.
I have a feeling that these "sleepovers" are going to become a common thing on Saturday nights around here!
So two weeks ago Jerrod kept telling Julia that we would have a sleepover on that Saturday night. I even got out one of her small pillows to put in bed with us. She LOVED it. She was wore out enough from all the days events that she actually went to sleep fairly easily.
I have a feeling that these "sleepovers" are going to become a common thing on Saturday nights around here!
Jude's first night away.
Jude spent his first night away from me on Saturday. I know it was harder on me than it was on him. Although, it was not quite as hard to leave him as it was to leave Julia for the first time. I guess I am much more mellow as a parent the second time around.
Actually, my biggest concern with leaving him over night was making sure I had enough milk to send with him! He is such a big eater and my body does not respond to the pump well, so I was worried I would not have enough milk to send to last him the entire time.
Jerrod's parents took both kids on Saturday night, so this was the first time we had been totally kid-free overnight since Jude was born. We were supposed to go out with friends, but those plans fell through, so we just rented some movies and had a quiet night in. It was very nice to just sit with Jerrod and relax and not have to worry about the kids. Although, I swear heard Jude on the baby monitor several times and had to remind myself that Jude was not in the house.
I think the kids wore out Jerry and Debbie, because they said they hit their number limit in babysitting. LOL
Both kids did great and I am sure we will do it again sometime. It will be much easier to do once Jude can start drinking regular milk and food.
Actually, my biggest concern with leaving him over night was making sure I had enough milk to send with him! He is such a big eater and my body does not respond to the pump well, so I was worried I would not have enough milk to send to last him the entire time.
Jerrod's parents took both kids on Saturday night, so this was the first time we had been totally kid-free overnight since Jude was born. We were supposed to go out with friends, but those plans fell through, so we just rented some movies and had a quiet night in. It was very nice to just sit with Jerrod and relax and not have to worry about the kids. Although, I swear heard Jude on the baby monitor several times and had to remind myself that Jude was not in the house.
I think the kids wore out Jerry and Debbie, because they said they hit their number limit in babysitting. LOL
Both kids did great and I am sure we will do it again sometime. It will be much easier to do once Jude can start drinking regular milk and food.
Long time, no post....
Sorry for the absence. I just could not bring myself to get on the computer this past week. I had two migraines and was just so tired. As soon as I got the kids to bed for the night, I was exhausted and just wanted to relax in bed.
However, I have a BUNCH of things I want to post about, so be prepared for a bunch of new posts.
However, I have a BUNCH of things I want to post about, so be prepared for a bunch of new posts.
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