If Jude makes a single peep, Julia is running into his room. She will then climb in the crib and play with him for awhile. Half the time I will stay out of the room and just listen over the monitor to what Julia is saying to Jude, it is too funny. She is such a little mommy.
What I hear are variations of this:
"What's wrong Baby Jude"
"Don't cry Baby Jude, I am here"
"You growing up Baby Jude"
"You grow bigger like me"
"Look at the fishes and birds Baby Jude, I turn them on for you"
"Here are some toys" (As she drags toys into the crib)
"I cover you up Jude" (We do not cover him at night yet)
and MUCH more......
Here is some snippets of what I see when I finally go in the room.....
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