Since Jude's rashy head has not cleared up and Julia still gets covered in bumps on various parts of her body, I thought it was time they visited a dermatologist. Their joint appointment was Weds. afternoon.
This is what Jude's head looked like before we left for the appt.

And here are his red cheeks.

The dermatologist said that it is just a bad case of eczema. When I described just how sensitive his skin was and how he broke out all the time, the dr. just nodded his head and said that yep, he just has really sensitive skin. He gave me a lotion for his head, a foam for his cheeks and other body parts that break out in a rash. He then gave me 2 types of shampoo and another type of lotion to try. Of course almost all of them are available only by prescription or only at his office.
Jude's rash already looks SOOO much better! The dr. also reassured me that the eczema on his head is not going to effect his hair growth.
Every since Julia has been born, she would get these bumps that would last for months before they would eventually pop and go away. At first it was only 2 or 3 bumps at a time, now she is getting dozens of them at a time! The migrate on which part of her body they will be on every couple of months, although they are usually located on her torso or limbs. Right now they are mainly on her one elbow.
This is her elbow the morning of our appointment.

The dermatologist said they are something called
Molluscum contagiosum, which is what my pedi had thought all along. It is a virus that is in Julia's system and has been from birth. People, especially kids, who struggle with eczema (which Julia does), are more susceptible to this. The bumps are harmless and they will eventually go away, but it might take years. The dr. said he could freeze them off, but with kids, he normally just lets them be. They don't bother her, so why put her through the pain of freezing them every few months?
So my kids just take after their father and have really sensitive skin and will have to battle eczema for their entire life. The nurse was going to give me a brochure on eczema and I told her not to bother, I was already familiar with it with Jerrod having to deal with it and now my kids dealing with it. I already buy the super sensitive laundry soap and shampoo for everyone.
So I was glad I took them and neither of them had anything major, aside from just sensitive skin and eczema.