Julia telling me that it is really cold out!
Jen will hate me for posting this picture, but I like it because it shows Julia running to keep up with her. Julia was Jen's little tail during the whole thing.
Getting Aunt Ninnie to carry her!
On the observation deck in the middle of the maze. Julia thought it was cold and windy up there!
Putting the puzzle piece on the map. The Maze was divided up in 12 sections, you had to find a mailbox with a puzzle piece in it in each section.
Julia is obsessed with "mail" lately, so she thought hunting for mailboxes was really fun!
All done! I cannot believe we actually did the whole thing. I thought for sure Julia would have been bored with it long before we finished. We were in the maze for about an hour!
Then Ninnie bought Julia and Jude matching pumpkin hats!
How Jude spent the time in the maze. Tucked inside my coat staying nice and toasty! (You can see the blue hat that was on his head poking out.)
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