It took Julia a few times to get comfortable with it, but now she loves how high she can go on it!
Bappa pushing her in her new swing!
The "beefed up" water wings are a HUGE hit! It took Julia a time or two for her to figure them out and get comfortable swimming in them, but now she is just a little fish in them! She will swim all over the pool with them on. We no longer have to stay close by, she will actually swim all around and actually swim back to us when she needs something. I have to wonder if she might be swimming without them by the end of the summer. Is it even possible for a 2.5 year old to swim unassisted? I guess we will find out!
And a bonus picture. Julia found her old bouncy seat under her crib at Mimi and Bappa's house. She hated it when she was a baby, but now she loves playing with it!! Silly girl!
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