Julia says the funniest things lately. Half the time you would think she was 12, NOT 2!
The other day she fell into a chest as she was trying to get something out of it. I asked if she was okay. From inside the chest I hear "I'm alright!"
Today we had lunch with Jerrod's parent's at Tumbleweed. The is the conversation Julia had with our waiter....
Waiter to us - "How are you folks doing today?"
Julia to waiter - "I'm doing fine."
Waiter to Julia - "What would you like to drink; milk, Sprite, etc.."
Julia - "I want milk"
When ordering....
Waiter - "What can I get for you all?"
Julia to the waiter - "I want the
At one point I ask Julia if she had to go potty since it had been awhile since she last went.
Julia to all of us as she climbs out of the booth - "I be right back. I go to the restroom."
Then she took off towards the restrooms leaving us scrambling to get out of the booth to follow...
Julia has recently really gotten into Thomas the Tank Engine. I am fine with this since it is a nice break from Elmo! In the Thomas
DVD's there are several trains in the stories. Each train has a name. But for some reason Julia does not realize this and just calls them "blue Thomas", "red Thomas", "green Thomas", etc....
And probably the most recent thing she says that has me cracking up is that she calls an elevator, an "alligator". Why it is an alligator, I don't know. She used to call an elevator, an elevator, so I am not sure why she has switched to calling it an alligator. But it is too cute...
She will also carry on complete conversations with me. She will tell me all about what happened on a show she just watched, or something she did that day. It is with such detail and clarity, that it scares me.