Jerrod always paints my toenails. I don't think I have painted my own toenails since we have gotten married. This is something he picked up from his father (who always paints Debbie's toenails). It is kind of fun to be pampered and have someone else paint them. I really only have my toenails painted in the summertime, so it was time for Jerrod to do them again.
He painted them purple for me the other night. Well, the next morning Julia saw them and kept saying "pretty toes". I told her that daddy painted mommy's toes. So then she kept talking about how "daddy made mommy's toes pretty".
Since Julia loved my painted toenails so much, we thought we would try and do her's too.
I was amazed!! This is the girl how REFUSES to let you cut her toenails, but yet, she sat PERFECTLY STILL and let Jerrod paint them!!! I think it helped that Elmo's World was playing on TV and she was interested in that!
Julia LOVES her purple toes!! This morning she woke up and when she got out of bed, she noticed her toes and said "I have purple toes!". I think she forgot overnight that Jerrod painted them.
I think Jerrod is going to be painting a LOT of toes for years to come!
Here are Julia's pretty purple toes!! (The spots on her feet are from the shoes she wore that day)
We really hope with painting her toes, she will get used to us messing with her toes and let us cut her toenails without a struggle soon!!
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