First off, Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's out there. I am so happy that I am a mother. At one point, I did not think that was ever going to be possibility for me. I am loving every minute of it!
My Mother's Day started off with Julia waking from a nightmare sometime between 3-5am (did not look at the clock) and having to go comfort her by rocking her back to sleep, and being woke up at 8am this morning to hearing Julia on the monitor saying "Mommy, Daddy, I peed on my bed...."! Oi!
Did not get anything for Mother's Day, Jerrod told me to just buy an extra of whatever I was buying our moms. LOL Lot of thought went into that! Oh, well. I have a happy, healthy daughter and a healthy son on the way. Life is good!
We saw Jerrod's mom yesterday as they are leaving on a trip tomorrow and really needed today to pack.
This afternoon we went my parent's for mother's day. It is so fun to watch Julia play with her cousins. She could not wait until her cousin Nathan got there!
Here Nathan is giving her a ride in his Hummer!

Then Nathan decided to let Julia learn to drive it! She quickly figured out how to make it go, but it is really hard to turn so someone had to jog beside it to make sure they did not crash into anything!
Here she is driving. Darren is getting a ride and Nathan is helping direct her. My Brother-In-Law, Bruce, was chasing after her helping her steer.

She was so proud of herself and thought it was so much fun. It took her no time at all to figure out the car.

Between her and Nathan driving it, they completely drained the battery before the night was over!! LOL
At one point, Julia was trying to ride the tricycle. She is finally big enough to reach the pedals. She was trying to figure out how to actually pedal it to make it go! With a little push-start from daddy, she figured it out!!

She did not understand about steering yet and could only do it on the really flat parts, but she was doing it!
What a BIG girl she is becoming! Too bad we don't have anywhere around our house that she could ride a tricycle or a electric car. I might have to watch the garage sales this summer for a tricycle and take to over to Jerrod's parent's house so she can ride it there.
Julia was loving riding and playing until my sister showed up with Baby Gavin, they she was all about the baby!! She just wanted to hold him so badly! She would hug him and kiss him and pat his belly/back, etc....

Gavin might not have been too excited for Julia to be holding him, but Julia was sure loving it!!

She held him several times tonight. She would try to comfort him when he cried.
She gave everyone hugs and kisses when we left too (except for Uncle Dan).