I am getting conflicting opinions from the pedi office. Our regular one called yesterday morning put her on the antibiotics, since I has strep throat last week, she figures she caught something from me. The other pedi in the office (the one we saw on Weds) called yesterday afternoon to ask about her. When I told him she still had the high fever, he wanted to do chest x-rays and bloodwork. When I told him the other pedi prescribed antibiotics several hours ago, he relented on the other tests and agreed to give the antibiotics 24 hours to work first.
Luckily, Julia is still drinking fluids and I have been really pushing them. I don't want her to get dehydrated. I have been watching her diapers for it. She will also eat if the Motrin is working.
She was up at 4am this morning crying. She was just shivering!! (she has been like this the last 3 mornings). The house is not too cold and she is wearing pj's with long sleeves and pants. So I wrapped her up in a quilt and we just rocked. Less than an hour later, the shivering was gone replaced by the fever. She then vomited on me TWICE!! This was all before 6am!!!! She has not vomited for days. I think it happens when her fever spikes too high. Unfortunately she just had a dose of Motrin at 4am. By now, she really wanted something to drink, but I was afraid of giving her too much and then it coming back up. It was so sad because she was holding her cup up to me saying "more, more", in a pathetic voice.
My in-law's are watching her today so I can at least get some work done at the office this week. I am about to call and see how she is doing so I can call the pedi to figure out the game plan.
I am really worried about my baby and I am so tired from the lack of sleep!! I am actually surprised they have not put her in the hospital yet. This just seems too long to be waiting it out....
Who is your pediatrician? Just curious.
I use Dr. Marie Seiler from Salem Pediatrics. I occasionally have to see the other dr. in the practice though.
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