My baby boy turned TWO on Sunday!! He is getting so grown up! We had a party for him at Jerry and Debbie's house.

Jude is
really into "
choo's" right now, so we had a train-themed party!

He was not too sure about the hats though....

Great-Grandpa Carl wore one though.

Jude loves hanging out with Carl.

Jude's present from us. An electric powered Jeep! (My neighbor was selling
their's super cheap and it looked almost new. I got a GREAT deal on it)

Julia is showing him how it works.

Of course Jude got a train cake. I had fun making it. It took me the longest to mix up all the colors of frosting.

Singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing out the candles.

The reason we had the party at Jerrod's parent's.... The POOL!!

We took a break from swimming to open presents.

Jude had a wonderful time. I have a hard time believing that my baby is already two.