We took Julia to go see "Tangled" in the theater on Saturday. It was a story about Rapunzel. Julia loved the movie.
Well, she took the movie to heart a little too much. This morning she took a scissors to her hair. When asked why she cut it, she replied "Rapunzel had to cut her hair to get away from the bad fairy godmother, so I cut my hair so the bad fairy godmother would not get me.".
Julia got lectured from several people about how she is not allowed to cut her hair or her brother's hair. She got the scissors by pushing a chair up to the cabinet, climbing on the cabinet and getting into her craft bag.
This is how her hair looked about 3 weeks ago before we got it cut.

This is how it looked 2 weeks ago, after we had haircuts. I thought it was a very cute bob.

This is how her hair looked this morning after she cut it!

Part of the hair I found on the floor...

Barrie, our hairdresser, was able to squeeze her in today to fix it. It is still cute, but I like it longer on her. It also makes her look much older!